"That's fine" She replied

"I don't know. I'll think about it. But I don't know" I said

"Okay. Well, i'm being called away, i'll talk to you later. We're still going black Friday shopping right" She asked

"Yup." I laughed

We both hung up and I shook my head. I don't want to ask John to go. Nope.


"Happy Thanksgiving Ella. Thank you for coming down today. I have Kyle coming later on today to take care of them. I'm heading out to see family" Deb said

"Have a good time" I smiled

She left and Ryan and Bobby took their horses down to the arena. I headed into the barn and turned all the horses out. The barn doesn't connect to the pasture but hey, i'm getting my excersise. Once they were all out, I began cleaning out the stalls. Then John showed up, I saw that coming.

"Happy Thanksgiving Ella" He said

"Happy Thanksgiving" I replied and went back to cleaning the stalls.

"Hey, can I ask you something" He said

"What" I replied

"How come you don't talk to me as much." He asked

"I don't know" I said and continued shoveling the poop into the bucket.

"You act like you did before we started talking" He said

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked

"Kinda." He said

I looked at him and finished cleaning out the stall I was on. Then I started on the next one and he just looked at me.

"Do you not want to talk to me" He asked

"I do" I said

"Then why don't you. You were opening up and it was fun talking to you. But now you act all guarded again" John said

"Oh" I replied

I continued to clean the stall I was on and John just walked away. Well, I guess it's a good thing I was contemplating asking him to come to Texas. I don't think he would. And I think he's mad at me. Wow, I have such a way with guys don't I. I just fuck it up every time. Well, most of the time it's cause they're being dicks. But he was trying. I.. ugh. John brought his horse in the barn, and started to groom him. I finished the one side of stalls and drug the bucket over to the tractor. Dumping that into the front loading bucket, I started on the second side.

"I would ask you to come down.. but you'd probably say no" John said

"I'm working." I said

"So, you normally ride when you're working" He replied

"Okay, but i'm by myself and only here till 12" I said

"Whatever" He replied

"Why are you getting an attitude" I replied

"Because... because you." He said

"What about me" I asked

"You went from talking to me and being nice and leaning on me and shit. Fucking flirting. To this. Cold and Distant" He said

"Well.." I said and just looked at him

"Well what Ella. I want to be friends with you. But it seems like you don't want to" He said

I just looked at him and he shook his head and started tacking up his horse. I started cleaning the first stall on the next side and finished it as John finished saddling up. He walked his horse around then tied him back up.

Cinderella..Ish?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon