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"Ella! I don't care if it is your last day here. You still need to do your chores! So where is my food?" I heard Janis yell

"I'm coming jeez. Do you not want me out on time?" I said walking into the kitchen

"Do not talk to me like that" She said

"Do you want breakfast or not" I replied

"Mother i'm hungry" Mary said pouted

"Can she make waffles" Anne asked

"She can make what ever your hearts desire" Janis said

"Can you make us waffles" Mary asked

I nodded and got to making the mix. We are the same age but they ask me nicely for things because that know I won't do it if they give me an attitude. The funny thing about me leaving is, they don't know I'm leaving the barn too. Their horses don't ever come in from the field for them, only me. And I take care of their horses. Oh man, they are going to lose these horses. Or have to hire someone to take care of them. Their horses only likes me. My uncle, who i'm moving in with, their son rides as well. We are also the same age. We get along great he's one of my best friends. His horse is gorgeous too. So I guess our horses will be the new guys at this new barn.

"Here. Last time you get to have my waffles" I said

They took all of them and I made myself a waffle with the rest of the batter. I made a thick one too. I ate that in the kitchen since I served them in the dining room. Fluffy waffle. Once I finished eating, they brought me their dishes and I cleaned the kitchen. Then I went up to my room and finished packing. I started bringing stuff down to my truck and thank god it isn't raining today. Tomorrow we are getting hit with a storm, but not today. I hope.

"Hey girl. You want help?" Kate said walking over to me

"Of course, we can get in a work out together" I laughed

She nodded and we finished bringing down the boxes I had packed already. Then she helped me pack up every little thing I had left. This room is bare. It looks better then it did when I moved in though. I got to paint and decorate the room at least. It's stripped now.

"Well, good bye room. It's been real. I feel bad for what ever they do to you" I said

"Sentimental, I like it." Kate laughed

"Well, i'm finally gone." I said

She nodded and we walked back down to my truck. Well, they all left. Not my job to lock these doors.

"When are you getting Gypsy?" Kate asked

"Now. Gotta drive over an hour away. I'd rather do that once. Not 4 times" I said

"True. I'll follow you over" Kate said

Nodding, I hopped in my truck and drove over to the barn. Hooking up my trailer, Kate helped me clear out my locker and I got all of my stuff loaded into the small tack area of my trailer. The rest went into the bed of my truck with a tarp. I don't want anything to fly out. Walking into the barn, I went over to Mary and Anne's horses and rubbed their noses.

"Bye guys. Don't get yourselves killed okay. Try and be nice." I said

They both huffed and I got Gypsy out of his stall. Taking his name sign, I loaded him into the trailer and put his name tag on my seat.

"I'm going to talk to the owner real fast. I'll be back." I said

"I'll be here" Kate smiled

Nodding, I walked into the office and looked at the owner.

Cinderella..Ish?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora