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"Hey, what are you still doing here?" John asked

"Thinking" I replied

"Oh. When do you leave for Texas?" He asked

"It's the first week of December so, what ever Sunday is before December" I said

"What are you plans for thanksgiving?" He asked

"Dinner with my family..." I said trailing off

Huh, this will be the first year I don't go to Kate's in the last 4 years. John walked away and I decided to head back to the house. It's been about 2 weeks and I haven't really talked to him that much. Granted we never really talked a lot but we were starting too. He doesn't really seem to care so I guess that's fine. Thanksgiving is this week. I don't really know how to feel. Kate said we could all come to their house but my aunt said she's cooking. I don't know. I do know that I am stressed. I have to pack for Texas and Kate isn't near me this year. They always had us right next to each other but they spread everybody out. Like people from the same area aren't near each other. Which means, I can't sprint through everyone's spots. Maybe I should see if someone can cover for Colin for the dentist. Ugh.

"Ella, are you working Thursday?" My aunt asked

"Yeah. But i'm getting done at 12 so i'll be home early" I said

"Okay. Colin is getting done at the same time. I'll be up at 4 to start cooking. Would you mind helping when you get home?" She asked

"Of course" I smiled

"Okay. I'll have you make the mashed potatoes and.... I don't know what else but i'll let you know" She said

Nodding, I got changed and sat in the living room. We had dinner and I went back to planning. I don't know why i'm planning so far in advance but, I am. Then Kate called.

"Hey, did you see the spots they gave everyone" Kate said

We had found out today where we were going to be and the directory for the week.

"Yeah. You're on the complete other side" I pouted

"Do you think they'll put us next to each other if we both reached out?" She asked

"I don't know. They are strict. I have until Monday to try and get Colin to come" I said

"Do you think he'll go" Kate asked

"I don't know. He needs to find someone to meet up with the dentist. And his work is being strict because he just started there a few months ago. I'm going to be screwed" I said

"I could have Tommy sprint through and help you. He wouldn't mind running" She laughed

"I would feel bad." I pouted

"Well... long shot. Haven't you and John been getting close?" She said

"Kinda. But I kinda.. put my guard back up" I said

"Why" She asked

"I don't know. I don't want to open up and him turn around and use it against me." I said

"Do you think he would?" Kate said

"I don't know. But every guy i've opened up to, or started to get comfortable with, they leave. Or it ends up not working out." I said

"Well, you're not dating the kid. He seems like he wanted to be friends with you" She said

"Yeah" I sighed

"And, when he came in your room a couple weeks ago and you leaned on his shoulder, he smiled. The way he looked at you was adorable" She laughed

"Well, I haven't really talked to him. And he wouldn't want to go to Texas and be stuck with me. We'd have to share a room too" I said

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