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"Ella! Go get our horses!" Mary yelled

"Okay. I'm coming" I said

Walking out of my horses stall, I got Star and Moonlight out of their stalls and brought them their grooming area.

"Are you going to groom them?" Anne asked

"I can't groom both by the time y'all have to leave" I said

"I still can't believe you talk like the people around here" Mary said rolling her eyes

Shaking my head, I grabbed Gypsy from his stall and walked him to the other side of the barn. Gypsy is my horse, he's a good boy. He's also a very tall boy.

"Alright Gyp. They have their jumping and dressage show. We have the rodeo. You ready?" I said

He huffed and shook his head up and down. I laughed and groomed my boy before bringing my truck around and trailer. My dad gave me his old truck and trailer from when he used to ride. Both my parents ended up passing away and I live with my step mom. Who, for some reason, didn't let me move out to go to college but threatens to kick me out. I don't understand. I have some family who's actually going to move in around here so i'm just sticking it out. They live on the opposite side of the country but like the area i'm in. Granted it's an hour and a half away from where I am now. It's fine though. They are moving into a rural area but couldn't get a house with enough land for horses. So, we found a barn by them and i'm moving Gypsy out there. The barn we're at isn't that bad. But having to see them after this all goes down isn't going to be pretty.

"Alright boy. Load up" I said

He walked into the trailer and I secured him before shutting the door and driving away. I think the girls show is the same place as the rodeo. Big fair grounds. Ugh. Making the drive, I pulled up and signed in. Parking in my normal spot, I may have cut someone off. Whoops. Someone was also standing in the spot so they couldn't park. It was my friend Kate. She's the best.

"Hey girl" I said hopping out

"Hey. So, did you recognize the truck you cut off?" She laughed

"Nada" I said

"Hey. What was that?" I heard

Turning around a guy walked around and looked at us. Whoops.

"I always park here" I said

"Okay and?" He said

"My spot" I nodded

He just shook his head and walked away.

"John" I said

"Yup" She laughed

I shook my head and got Gypsy out and tied him up. There is a barn, but all the dressage and jumpers use up all the stalls. It's fine. We're used to this from actual rodeos. Kate and I both run barrels. The guy, John, who's currently mad at me is one of the steer wrestlers. Then there's roping here too tonight. No bull riding. Sad.

"So, you think he's going to complain all night?" I asked

"Maybe. He seems like he's stuck up at the rodeos." Kate said

"Why can't guys in the rodeo be nice. Ugh" I groaned

"Ohh, Ella is trying to find herself a man" Kate laughed

"Sorry I didn't find one in high school and have been practically married since" I said

My friend laughed and we went out into the field to trot around. Riding bareback is easy. There's a few people out here too. After riding around for a little bit, they started with the warm ups for jumps and dressage. I don't even know what they do. We've had these joint shows twice a year but I never pay attention.

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