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Well, the last rodeo is this week. It's currently Thursday and this week hasn't been too good. The anniversary of my parents death is tomorrow. They didn't die at the same time. But the same day 6 years apart. My father was four years ago, he passed when I was 17. And my mother was 10 years ago. She passed when I was 11. So I'm a hot mess. It may have been a long time but it doesn't feel like that for me. So I kinda just shut down around the date. I was planning on going for my annual trail ride but..my truck is broke. Well sorta. I'm going to see if I can borrow Kate's truck.

"Hey what's up" Kate said

"Hey. Do you think I can borrow your truck tomorrow?" I asked

"I won't have it. I'm getting maintenance work done. We love check engine lights" She laughed

"Oh. Okay" I replied

"What's wrong with yours?" She asked

"I hit a pot hole now it's riding weird. And I don't feel comfortable driving it two hours tomorrow. So I don't know if I can go" I said

"Oh no. Babe, i'm so sorry. I would tell you to use Tommy's but we need a truck to get to work. Do you want me to see if I can push off the shop?" She said

"No. It's fine. I'm gonna see what the problem is and hey maybe I can find a shop around here to do it today? Probably not" I said

"Well, if you can't go tomorrow, you can take my truck.. Sunday? I know you wouldn't want to wait." Kate said

"Yeah. You know. I love you" I said

"I love you too. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I will tell my boss I need to leave tomorrow if need be" Kate said

"Okay. Thanks babes. Now get back to work" I laughed

"Bye babe" She replied

Hanging up the phone. I crawled under my truck and looked around. Well the back is leaf springs and they look pretty good. Oh no. Well I know what the problem is. My front shock is currently hanging down. My truck has shocks in the front and leaf springs in the back. It's old truck thing. I'll convert it one day. I heard a truck pull up and crawled out from under mine. It's John.

"Whatcha doing there Ella" He asked

"Nothing" I replied

He just looked at me and walked to the barn. Well it looks like I can't go tomorrow. What the hell. I can feel the tears wanting to come up. I'm not going to cry. I'm going to... I don't know. I don't want to take Gypsy out cause i'm going to be riding for a while tomorrow. I'm just going to take out one of her trail horse. Deb said I can take them on a trail ride if I want. Going into the barn, I grabbed the halter off of Nifty's stall and got my lead rope. Then I went out into the pasture and caught him. He's a bit of a butt head but riding him is fun. This is the horse Deb uses to trail ride. It's not her personal horse, but one she likes to ride when she wants a challenge. She told me I could ride him as well. Bringing him over to the grooming area, when you're not in the barn, I brushed him out and grabbed his saddle. He's not as tall as Gypsy so I can't use mine.

"What are you doing with Nifty?" John asked

"Going on a trail ride. Deb said I could ride him is I don't want to push Gyp" I said, I didn't look at him either. There may be some tears wanting to spill over

"Oh. Good luck" John said

I nodded and walked Nifty around before he took a deep breath so I can tighten the girth. Then I hopped up and we took off towards the woods. Wow, he is crazy. He can't take turns well though, Deb told me that. Or else he'd make a good barrel horse. I slowed down before we went in and we trotted through the woods. I guess I can be vulnerable now. I have never missed their anniversary. I've gone to this park every year and gone on a trail ride. It started with me and my dad going and now that he's gone, and it's the same date. I have to go. I mean going Sunday isn't bad, but it's going to make tomorrow so much worse. Aw man. I like going out into the woods to cry. No one can see me. And hopefully John is gone and Ryan hasn't showed up. Speaking of, I went out with him again. Just me and him, and it was still really awkward. He kissed me too. It wasn't fun. Now it's awkward when I see him. He stays away from me. Whoops. They all came over too. Even Bobby, and guess who tried to join me in my room. Bobby. Guess who almost got punched in the face. Bobby. I can't with this kid. Then he yelled at me because I kissed Ryan, they think i've kissed John. And he asked when it's his turn. Never.

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