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"Hey Ella, can you come here real fast?" Deb said

"I'll be right back" I said to Kyle, he's the guy I work with during the week.

Jogging over to Deb, she motioned for me to come into the office portion of her house. Then I sat down. Oh jeez. Am I getting fired.

"So, do you know a lady named Janis, who has two daughters your age. Mary and Anne." Deb asked

"Uhm.. yeah why" I said

"They called and asked if you board here. Then asked if we have any open stalls" She said

"That's my ex step mom and her kids. That's the house I moved from cause it was.. terrible" I said

"I thought so. The name sounded familiar. I said I don't know who you are and we don't have anything available" She said

"Oh thank god." I sighed

"Are they like, psychos?" Deb laughed

"Yes. Her daughters, who hate the rodeo mind you, were there on Saturday, and said they are gong to make their mom make me teach them how to barrel race. They tried stealing my trophies and ribbons because they never win anything" I said

"Oh god. If i said I had something open, do you think they would of come here?" She asked

"If you said I was here yes. Especially because their horses don't like them. They only really listened to me" I said

"That's a sin. Well, you can go back to what you were doing. I just wanted to ask about that" Deb said

"No problem. Thanks for telling her no by the way. She'd be here in a heart beat and try and follow me. They are a weird bunch I swear" I said

She shook her head and I walked back out to finish mucking the stalls.

"So are you getting fired" Kyle laughed

"No you dipshit" I replied laughing "I'll launch this horse shit at you"

"I know you will" He said still laughing

I rolled my eyes and laughed as I continued to work. I'm low key happy the season is over, now I have Saturday nights to myself.


"Alright, it's fucking cold outside, so where's that jacket" I said to myself.

Looking through the closet I found it. You know, there's not much in here but I still can't find jack shit when I need too. I did find the heels right away though. Well they are booties, or whatever the hell you call them. I have no idea. I took a picture in the mirror and John said he was on his way. So I did a little eye make up, which is just mascara and found lip gloss Kate made me wear before. It's all going to go away as soon as we get there but this will make her happy. Pulling on my jacket, I grabbed my wallet and keys and walked down to the living room.

"Aw you look so nice" My aunt said

"Thank you" I smiled

"Have a good time, and keep our son in check" My uncle said

"Will do" I replied laughing

John texted me that he was here so I headed outside. Hopping in his truck, he looked at me and smiled.

"You look really nice" He said

"Aw thanks. These were the clothes I was putting away while on the phone with you" I laughed "You look nice as well though"

"Thanks" He laughed

Kate texted me that she was there and we set off. It's only 15 minutes away from here.

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