One Hundred and Thirty-Four: There is lots of tension (not the sexy kind)

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Sen woke up a few hours later. Percy knew that because she woke him up. His head shot up and he blinked away the sleep as Sen smiled at him.

"You're alive."

"So are you." Percy blurted. Already, she was looking better. She was more colorful, more filled out. Percy saw a plate with some ambrosia on it. Sen must've eaten some to heal herself after... after. "Are you okay? Do you need something?"

"Annabeth." Sen spit out.

"Uh, well, I could probably go carry her, but not without her slicing my arm off."

Sen shook her head and looked away, her expression sad again. "No, I meant... I need to apologize. It..."

I was terrible to her, Sen's voice spoke. Percy shook his head and used his other hand to hold hers.

"She understands."

She doesn't. Sen replied. You didn't have to see it. What I did. And you never will.

And with that, Sen passed out again.

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The next morning, Percy made sure Mrs. O'Leary had enough dog biscuits. He asked Beckendorf to keep an eye on her, which he didn't seem too happy about. Then he hiked over Half-Blood Hill and met Annabeth, Sen, and Argus on the road.

Annabeth didn't talk much in the van. Argus never spoke, probably because he had eyes all over his body, including- allegedly- at the tip of his tongue, and he didn't like to show that off.

Sen seemed to be the only one in a semi-decent mood. Literally overnight, she'd gained most of her weight and color back. Her hair was done in two high pigtails and looked much more full than it had yesterday. She seemed just about normal.


Every now and then, Percy would catch her zoning out again, completely unmoving, which was very unlike her. He'd typically pull her out of it- tap her, nudge her, say something- and she'd be okay again, but if it was silent for too long, her thousand-yard stare returned and she sat as still as Thalia's pine tree.

Percy hadn't been feeling very good about his dreams of Luke's army and Daedalus killing Minos for Aelia and the other sisters. But Annabeth looked queasy, as if she'd slept even worse than he had.

"Bad dreams?" Percy asked. It was the first he'd spoken to her this whole trip. Really, the only other sound this whole time had been Sen humming before she'd randomly level off and zone out again.

Annabeth shook her head. "An Iris-message from Eurytion."

Sen sat straight up. "Is he okay? Is Nico okay?"

"He left the ranch last night, heading back into the maze. Nico was gone before he woke up. Orthus tracked his scent as far as the cattle guard. Eurytion said he'd been hearing Nico talk to himself the last few nights. Only now he thinks Nico was talking with the ghost again, Minos."

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