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3rd pov

"Thank you !" Estrella yelled into the mic as she placed it back on the stand and placed her guitar on the stand as well, she blew a kiss towards the audience and wrapped her arm around violet then walked backstage.

"wooo, that shit was so dope star, you doin that solo and everything, and that crowd, shit it was bumpin." devon said as he talked with his hands about how good they were.

"yeah star you didn't even need me." mateo said as he put a hand in his heart and gave a fake pout, estrella laughed and wrapped an arm around him.

"of course i do! your never getting rid of us matt." estrella said as they all nodded in agreement, mateo sighed dramatically, before laughing, everyone else joining in. They made their way to the green room as estrella texts bill to come to the room and hang out with them for a bit.

"so who are these friends you have coming?" violet asked as she laid on the couch.

"okay you remember that band tokio hotel? the german one, so i'm friends with their lead singer and i figure why not invite them you know ?" estrella says as she touches up her make up a bit before the boys come.

"ohh i heard of them, i heard they guitarist a playboy dude." devon says as he puts a shirt on. 'Hmm interesting' estrella thinks as she pauses for a sec then goes back to what she was doing. The group then hears a knock on the door, estrella springs up and place her things down quickly before rushing to the door, she opens it and is immediately tackled in a hug by the singer of the band.

"BILL/STAR!" both singers yell at the same time as they hug, almost falling in the floor.

"omg i've missed you babes, it's been forever, i'm glad you came." estrella says as she breaks the hug and looks at bill. The boy nods quickly.

"for real it has, i missed you more !" the boy exclaims.

"never." estella's says dramatically as she brings the boy in another hug.

"uhhh hi ?" estrella hears a voice behind bill, she breaks the hug and looks behind him to see the other boys in the band.

"you guys must be the rest of the band, thank you all for coming, i hope you guys enjoyed !" estella's tells the rest of the boys as she breaks herself from bill to stand in front of them.

"are you kidding, we loved it! when bill said we were going to his friends concert we didn't expect it to be you guys, bill didn't wanna tell us so we were kinda shocked to see estrella cobain performing, we're fans of killing stars." georg rambles a bit to estrella, she chuckles a bit.

"well thank you.." the girl says waiting for a name.

"oh i'm georg, this is gustav and tom." georg explains while pointing to the two other boys besides him, gustav gives her a nod, while tom smirks at her, estrella smiles softly at them.

"well thank you georg i'm glad you enjoyed it." estrella's smiles softly at him. The rest of the bands get introduced to each other and they began talking, then gustav asks,

"wait how do you two know each other ?" bill and estrella look at each other asking with their eyes which one should explain, bill nods at her basically telling her to explain.

"well i was out one day at this music store looking at vinyls and then me and bill were in the same section, he came up to me asking if i was estrella cobain, and i nod and smile at him, he tells me he's been a fan since forever, and i told him i've listened to some of his songs before, and just from there we got to talking and became besties." the dark headed girl explains as she hugs bill again reminiscing on the memory. Everyone nods, then goes back to what they were doing, bill walks away from estrella to go ask georg something, she then goes on her phone seeing a text from her boyfriend.

Quinn❤️: where are you ?

Estrella: i'm at a concert babe

Quinn❤️: why didn't you tell me?

Estrella: i did you just weren't listening. I'm hanging out with some friends rn

Quinn❤️: are there any boys?

Estrella: omg why does it matter? you know i won't do anything

Quinn❤️: i'm just saying i don't want you around guys

Estrella: why are you making this a thing, why are you turning this into an argument ? i literally work with two guys quinn you know this.

Quinn❤️: i just don't want you with guys, my god, i don't want what your gonna do with them, fine go hang out with them.

Estrella: omg quinn, stop, are you literally implying that i would cheat on you, why would you say that ?

Quinn❤️: idk, your always around guys what do you think, you could be cheating on me for all i know

Estrella: quinn stop im having a good time here and i don't need your jealousy ruining it for me, plus your always around girl as well, but you don't see me complaining, and if i remember it was you who cheated on me, i never did, i got back together with you cause i love you, now if you excuse i have to get back to what im doing, text me when your not in a sour ass mood.

Estrella places her phone down and sighs looking at her shoes, she then see another pair of shoes infront of her, with pants basically to the floor.


1k words(ouooo, i wonder who it is LMAO, but here y'all go this also gives the backstory on how bill and star met, hope y'all enjoyed, have a good day/ night love you babes !)

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1k words
(ouooo, i wonder who it is LMAO, but here y'all go this also gives the backstory on how bill and star met, hope y'all enjoyed, have a good day/ night love you babes !)

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