Chapter 76-80

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Chapter 76

    Song You hoped that her book would be effective, but unexpectedly there was a child in front of her who would speak up, so she encouraged him and said, "Kangkang, what's going on? Tell Auntie." Their conversation attracted the attention of Old General Qin

    . , I didn't expect this grandson, who is usually like a boring gourd, to take the initiative to open up the chatterbox when he sees Song You.

    He smiled and said: "After Kangkang got to know me well, he asked me to take him to the bookstore to buy safety education comics. He said that this set of books helped him. I saw that the author was Song You. I found that this name is not common. , I went to ask your mother, your mother said that you wrote it, and I told Kang Kang that Aunt Song is our acquaintance, and you can see her when she comes back to visit relatives." He encouraged his

    grandson to talk more: "We transferred The time was running out quickly, and I arranged for someone else to send my son to the home of a fellow villager. I couldn’t find it when I settled down. After so many years, I couldn’t find my son. As a result, my son passed away and I found Kangkang. It’s been a lot of hardship, if I hadn’t met this human trafficker, I still wouldn’t be able to find him, Kang Kang, tell Aunt Song what’s going on.”

    Kang Kang pursed his lips, and two faint smiles appeared on his thin face. Dimpled, and said: "My original home was surrounded by mountains. One day, I was washing clothes in a small river ditch. Two adults came over and gave me a twist, and asked me to help lead the way to the nearby production team. I was very Hungry, I reached out for Mahua to show people the way. At this time, I remembered that Auntie Song’s comic strip had similar content, saying that I couldn’t eat what adults gave me, and I couldn’t help adults. So I didn’t ask for Mahua. I was very happy

    . I was scared, I was surrounded by cornfields, and I was alone by the small river ditch. I saw that those two people were coming to arrest me, so I hurriedly grabbed my clothes and ran away. Bean Bao was very nervous when he heard it, and kept clenching his small fists

    . He said: "Are those two people bad people? and after. "

    I ran to the main road. There were people on the road, so I wasn't so scared. Then I ran to the brigade headquarters in one breath and told the brigade leader that there were traffickers." But the captain didn't believe it, and no one believed my words.

    Seeing Kangkang looking up at her, Song You patted his little head and said, "Kangkang is very smart, you did the right thing, and if you see something wrong, you have to run away. " "

    Maodou exclaimed, and said, "Yes, thirty-six strategies, the best strategy is to go." "

    Those two people said that they were doing geological exploration, and adults believed them, but I didn't believe them, so I followed them quietly."

    Song You's My heart is raised, this kid must be too courageous.

    "I saw them grabbing a child. The child was very strong and struggled to escape. I think these two people are very scary. I think I should let the adults know that they are human traffickers. But no one believes me. What should I do? I thought of a story in Aunt Song’s book that Wumao asked for help from the Uncle of the People’s Liberation Army, and we also have the People’s Liberation Army who are digging mountains and building roads here, so I begged my grandma to go with me to the construction site to find the Uncle of the People’s Liberation Army.” Old General Qin took over the conversation

    . , Said: "Coincidentally, someone came to inspect the construction site that day. That person was my old subordinate, and now he is a teacher. Mr. Li knew that I had failed to find my son who was fostered in a fellow villager. Seeing that I looked like me, So I contacted me, and I recognized Kang Kang." It     was a thrilling story, and Song You breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It turned out to be the case, and it was a blessing in disguise to be able to return to grandpa, and we will be together with grandpa in the future." Life will be easy."     Qin Huaihe greeted the nanny: "Go and get my photos."     The nanny brought over two photos of Qin Huaihe's childhood. The photos were yellowed and there were a few cracks on them. To Han Cheng.     "Kangkang looks like me when I was young." Qin Huaihe asked.     Han Cheng nodded: "It's very similar, it was carved out of a mold, and it's hard to recognize relatives     if they don't look the same." Qin Huaihe sighed: "His father passed away. If he didn't look like me, I probably wouldn't be able to recognize him." He found it."     Kangkang's small face was full of pride: "No one believed me, I told my grandpa that those two people were traffickers, my grandpa believed me, arranged for people to arrest them, and caught a trafficker Gang."     Maodou listened fascinated, and said: "These PLA uncles, uncles, and grandpas are all so powerful, it's amazing, and you are also very clever."

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