12. Final Day

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Wanna hear something epic? As it was Easter yesterday and I have been doing nothing but sitting on my ass doing writing, I just did a jog around my village! Now I am on the exercise bike at home while writing at the same time. Let's write!

*Adriana's Point of View: Letter to Kevin*

I woke up about an hour ago to Lily packing her bag on her bed.

"Why are you packing so early?"

"Oh... Didn't mean to wake you. Mum wants me home early so she can start getting ready for Christmas quickly," she explained.

I sat up slowly as she started packing.

"What time did you get back last night?" I asked.

She didn't look at me. "The ball finished about 9. Curtis and I went to the woods round the back and just... We talked a bit then decided on going back about 11," she casually responded.

I considered moving but I had a question that bugged me. "So are you and Curtis now...?"

"I guess we are..." Lily replied.

She continued packing her bag. I just stood and watched her pack. I don't know how, but the picture of Lily and I on the wall suddenly fell off. Slowly, she picked it up and examined it.

"Sorry if I haven't been the bestest friend this term," she said.

"It's fine."

Lily got back to packing then I asked her a question.

"You actually know who did it then?"

She turned and glared at me. Even though I didn't say it, she knew I was referring to the stabbing at the beginning of term.

"They pinned me up right against the wall with their face inches from mine. What do you think?" She asked wittily.

"So are you going to say who it is then? You don't even have to tell the authorities. Confirming Kevin'a innocence won't bring him back from the dead," I explained.

Lily sat down on her bed beside her suitcase and took a long look at me before turning her gaze to the ground.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because I feel hurt that you can't trust me!"

"I do it's just..." She looked back up at me. "Some stuff is best left unsaid."

"Even this?"

"If I told you it would do more bad than good..."

I sighed and glanced out our window. This was something I just had to deal with. Maybe someday she would tell me.

Gently, I felt a kiss on my cheek from Lily. "Have a good Christmas," she wished me.

"You too," I responded as Lily grabbed her suitcase and wheeled it out the room behind her.

Before she left the room, she gave me one final smile.

I thought this would be a good time to write to you. But this will be my last letter. As much as I miss you, dwelling and writing letters won't solve many problems.

When I finish this letter, I will have breakfast and invite Toby to help me pack for the holidays. This will be the start of my new life without you.

Rest In Peace,

Adriana x

OK, next chapter is the last chapter. :( But yay new story to do! Let's just see what happens...

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