8. Confirmed

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Just thought I would say: This whole thing is going to be in 13 Parts. So... We're at 8 so it's not far now! :S OK, on with the story!

*Adriana's Point of View: Letter to Kevin*

Sometimes I wonder why I was so surprised to find your suicide note. You had told me you wanted to kill yourself several times before. But I always convinced you to not do it. You always rang me up when you had a problem, because a part of you knew that what you were doing was stupid. Why didn't you do it this time?

I was weak and pathetic when I read the note. The strength in my legs had disappeared. All I did was drop your note and cry on my bed in fear. Lily picked up the note and read it for herself. She is a lot tougher than me. Urgently, she rushed to Edith and showed her the note. She called emergency services. 

For all we knew, you might not have done it yet. You might have left the note and gone wondering into a field so you could reflect what you are about to do, but I had already lost hope. A part of me knew you had done in this time.

The rumour got out quickly around the shy kids who choose to stay in their dorms on a Saturday. A boy in one of the dorms came up to Edith saying that one of the toilets is locked and nobody is responding when they knock. 

That was what made me sit up. I rushed out of my room and pushed towards the boys toilets. I remember pushing past Edith and Lily. I jumped very high so I could see over the top of the door.

There you were. Your eyes were closed and you had your head rested on the dirty wall behind you. 

On your lap, you had a container. It looked like it was meant for pills or something. My arms turned weak and I could no longer hold myself up on the door. So I released myself and fell to the floor. I was truly crying at that point.

Edith cleared the area and banned everyone from going to the toilet. We all had to go back to our rooms or to the common room. 

The police came along and they asked for your note. Reluctantly, I gave it to them. After seeing the early empty container on your lap, they believed you took an over dose of pills in order to end your life. The doctors confirmed that you had died on the scene. 

But a new investigation was opened up. It was to do with what you said about stabbing Lily. They want to see if it really was you. I don't believe it. Or at least, I don't want to believe it. But the police asked to speak to Lily so they could work out if it was you.

Meanwhile, Edith was comforting me. She told me that I should write a letter to you. So I could say how I feel. She promised she wouldn't read it and that she was only trying to help. It apparently helped her when her brother died a few years ago. 

While Lily was being talked to, I spent time alone to think about things. This stupid person who stabbed Lily. Everything was perfectly imperfect until they came along.

*Inquiry into Events of Sunday, 4 November: Transcript of Interview with Lily*


Mr Larkin: Now Lily, we don't want you to feel scared

Lily: Don't worry, I'm not.

Mr Larkin: Just making sure. When people see me as a police officer, they feel a tad uncomfortable.

Lily: Oh... [Looks at floor]

Mr Larkin: So... Last time we went checked to see who it was who stabbed you that night, you told us it was a boy called Ryan.

Lily: Yeah

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