1. Bonfire Night

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This is kind of confusing... I posted this, then took it down so I could put it on another site. But I missed Wattpad... So it's back!


*Adriana's Point of View: Letter to Kevin*

Dear Kevin,

Since that night... the teachers have been keeping a sharp eye on me. Now you have left, they are keeping an even sharper eye on me, like how eagles watch their prey. They are scared I would end up being in your state and go into depression. They told me to write to you to make me feel better, so I decided I should.

Now you are gone, I feel the need to explain everything that's happened since 4th November from my point of view. This might not be something you want to talk about and you don't have to read this letter, but I trust you and turn to you when things go wrong, but obviously not all the time.

We had a week off school before November 4th and it was honestly the dullest thing alive. My social life outside school is rather small and Lily was grounded for a week after being fined for spraying graffiti on the wall of the local post office.

This made me almost desperate to come back to school. We had the choice of coming on a Sunday afternoon on November 4th or a Monday morning the next day. Obviously, I chose the Sunday afternoon one because I couldn't wait to see my friends and there was going to be a brilliant firework display in the evening.

Anyway, it was wonderful getting to school that Sunday afternoon. Our little group of friends all came at the same time and we met up on the field.

The grass was still full of droplets from the morning dew and there were soaked golden leaves amongst the damp roots of the trees. I was first to go to the field since I was begging my mum to drive me down their ASAP.

I crossed my arms in my black coat and grey scarf as I tried to keep warm in the autumn breeze. The sun was gently peeking through the clouds and causing the gentle water droplets on the grass to sparkle.

In the distance, I noticed a figure. It was a slim figure with an explosion of golden hair which curled beautifully out. I could recognise that person any day. Lily. She rushed to me in excitement and did not stop until she got to me.

Her embrace was not warm, but it was comforting. I was surprised I couldn't feel any heavy breathing from her after running 100 yards.

"I missed you," she stated as she beamed in delight.

I smiled back. "I missed you too. How was it, torturous?" I asked her. That was not the sort of question you could ask someone, but we were as tight as a knot and could say almost anything to each other and get away with it.

"It sucked! Can't believe my parents grounded me. Having my money taken away is bad enough!" she ranted on then there was silence. I don't know why, but we both laughed at the same time and embraced into another hug.

Lily and I knew each other from primary school; we were about four when we first met. In primary school, all the girls were friends, but we were clearly the closest. She liked to run around while I sat and watched her as I made daisy chains. We were opposites; opposites which completed each other.

We were so busy chatting about our terrible holidays that we didn't notice Toby had arrived. He just smiled gently as we talked. As soon as Lily got a glimpse of him, she dashed to him in excitement and attacked him with a hug. "Hi Toby! The holidays sucked with you not around!" she beamed as she hugged him. I noticed Toby at first have a shy awkward smile, but it gradually grew to a comforted one.

Toby was another one we knew since primary school. While the boys played football in the summer and bulldog in the winter, Toby preferred to read which left him as a slight outcast. Who did he turn to? The girls. It was never awkward or unnatural for him to be around, he just joined in. But the one person he got on most with was Lily.

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