Let the Voices (W)in - XX

Start from the beginning

I hadn't heard, or seen the person, too deep in my thoughts to care until Alice came into my line of view.

I let out a yelp when I saw her, clearly not having heard her when she walked in.

Alice flinched back as I scrambled about with the duvet from when I yelped.

"Why'd you yell?" Alice asked as she walked back over to my bed after I got settled again.

"I just got lost in my head and didn't hear you come in," I tell her with a dead serious-looking face on.

"So why were you crying then?" Alice then asks while I wipe my cheeks, feeling the dampness from the few spilt tears.

"Same reason," I say while huffing and sitting back down against the cushions.

"Come on, tell me," Alice says while I sigh and think about it before soon replying.


"Oh, come on!" Alice then retorts as she stands straight up before slowly sitting back down again.

"It's my private life Alice, and I'm going through a time at the moment where I can't control my hormones at the best of times. The death of my own Dad doesn't exactly help my situation," I say as I slowly sink deeper and deeper into the sheets.

"Alright," Alice says before wandering back out of my room.

I sigh, thinking that if she wasn't just here, I would've walked all the way to the bathroom and killed myself.

So, I just continue to lay there, brooding over everything and what's happened over the last few weeks, not realising again that someone had entered my room while I stared off into space.

"You okay?" Xander asked, breaking the silence, and getting me out of my current state.

I flinched before replying.

"Yeah," I say unconvincingly.

"No, you're not. I heard you yelp when Alice walked in, and then she left with a slightly downtrodden look on her face. You two are never like that unless something's up," Xander says as I slowly look over at him, "See, the look on your face is clearly saying something."

"How'd you know?" I asked quietly.

"There are tears marks on your face, you look like you haven't eaten today, even though I know you have from what Jameson stole from the kitchen this morning to bring up here to you, and then by the hollow look you have on your face," He says as my face slowly contorts to a look of deep thought when thinking about how I probably looked.

"You got me," I say, my voice almost in a whisper, trying to keep my eyes open with all my strength.

"I know. If you want to know, Jameson's down in his studio in the town doing a commission he got last week," Xander says as he walks around the bed, and sits on the other side.

"Thank you," I whisper, sticking my glasses up into my hair.

"For what?" Xander asks.

"For just being here, and knowing me. Knowing what makes me tick, or what keeps me going," I say as I lay my head on Xander's shoulder, tired from the mental energy I had already used today.

"You don't need to say that, y'know. It's just all a part of my job description as best friend," Xander says, while he wraps his arm around me, letting me get comfortable in the quiet space.

I chuckle, knowing that I would do the same if Xander was ever in the same situation.

"Good to know," I say, my voice getting slightly louder again as I get more comfortable again.

I felt Xander's body move as if he was laughing as I heard his hearty laugh from my comment.

We sat there in silence after that, my body finally getting the rest it needed instead of constant insomnia that kept me awake at night.

Slowly I felt sleep take over me, for the first time in a while which meant that for once, the foetus inside of me could get some sort of weird sleep as well.

"Katie, I'm here for you, even if you don't want to talk to Jameson, I'm here, even if it doesn't always seem like it," I hear Xander say just before sleep took me into its warm arms.

I smiled, knowing that I could talk to someone without them freaking out over me.



Another chapter up and I'm not half awake doing it!

That's unheard of!

There are definitely a lot less Jalyn things in this chapter, but with that more brother-sister relationship between Xander and Kaitlyn, and I love that! I think next chapter, there will be something that will be a blow over from what happened here between Alice and Kaitlyn, so yeah, be excited about that!

I need to go write it, so see ya!

- Rachel

UPDATED; 20/05/2023

WORDS; 1287

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