A Reporters Delight - XI

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29th August

As I entered the room where the press conference was being held, cameras started to flash in my face as my parents approached me, my Mother, hugging me and asking if I was okay.

I shrugged her off, not wanting extra questions from the press as to why I was so late. I walked up to the table and found where I was supposed to sit from the name tag that was just in front of the seat that had my name on it. I then sat down, taking in a breath as I looked out towards the camera as my Father sat down on one side of me and Xander on the other, gripping my hand underneath the table for comfort.

"Tonight, as you all know, is a night where my Daughter, Princess Kaitlyn, will answer questions now and take part in civil conversation later as she is properly introduced to the public. All questions tonight will be recorded, and if anything other than the answers given are written down, you will receive a complaint saying that you have changed what has been said," Father said from beside me as I breathed deeply before Father continued "Now, you may begin the questions in an orderly manner."

Every reporter raised their hand, waiting to see if their question would be answered, looking like they were going to pee themselves, as Father pointed to one of them, describing what they looked like before five people started talking.

"Princess, why were you last seen in public, down in the village, leaving Doctor Matthew Grey's office?" The reporter asked as Xander squeezed my hand in support as I began to answer.

"I have been having therapy to help support myself in the upcoming role I will have to take on." I say as the reporter gives me a questioning look.

"And what is this role?" He asks, but Father raises his hand to stop him from saying anything else as he whispers in my ear.

"Tell them if you want to, but don't say anything about the voices and how you were born." Father says and then lowers his hand as I answer.

"The role will be becoming Queen. Recently, my Father has been receiving messages, saying he was going to die soon, and I've been preparing ever since." I say as I look over to where the reporter was standing, but I don't look him in the eye.

The cameras stopped flashing for a second as they took in what I had just said. The King was going to die, and I was going to take his place.

The next question arose when Father pointed to the next person.

"Tonight, you have been accompanied by, seemingly, your therapist, and the person we all saw you grow up with, Alexander Evermore. What do you think about the rumours about you and Mr Evermore, who is sitting beside you tonight, that you two are in a relationship?" The reporter questions as I look to the side as Xander looks over at me as we both think about how to answer.

"We're only friends," I say "We're more like Brother and sister than anything else, so, I wouldn't dream of dating him. We're too close, my sisters on the other hand-" I say as I start to finish off the statement but Xander cuts me off as I start to drop him in it.

"I wouldn't dream of dating either. All of His Majesty's daughters, I care too much for, so if I did end up dating one of them, I would have to refuse the roles that could come to me as I get older." Xander says and I chuckle as he fixes the situation before I cause one. And then the next question came along.

"On the twenty-seventh of January, you disappeared from the world for a few days. Why was that?" The reporter asked, as on both sides of me I was told 'You don't need to say anything' as I opened my mouth to respond.

"To start with, I would like to say that this business is my own personal one, so if anyone has any more intrusive questions like that, you better rethink them right now, or you won't be invited back to something like this," I say and look around as I see downtrodden looks on some reporters faces as I continue with what I was saying "Now, on that day, my sister, the youngest one, Sybil, tried to blackmail me into abdicating. I ended up finding a loophole so I didn't have to suffer on either side of the blackmailing and overall won the small battle. I was greatly hurt by the decision I chose to do. . ." I say and trail off as tears start to arise at the bottom of my eyes, but find the strength to continue speaking " I chose to give up a secret of mine to my parents that my sister would've greatly elaborated on and would've gotten me in deeper trouble for. I chose the best option out of the lose-lose situation I was in. After, I became so enraged, that I went up to my sisters' room and saw the older of my two sisters and waited around in the younger of my sisters' rooms to attack her. Now, I'm ashamed of what I did, but I was angry at her, and in my mind, I have every right to be. Anyway, I ended up attacking her, but when I took a break before taking another swing, she flipped me and managed to hurt me enough that I ended up blacking out. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in my room, receiving medical care, and Xander next to me holding my hand with a worried look on his face." I finished saying as tears made their way down my cheeks leaving marks as they went.

"Thank you, it was very brave of you to tell that story." The reporter said as I smiled at her in gratitude, but then only after, realised that it was a very familiar face. One, that I couldn't place, but had known for years and years.

"Alright, so we're probably going to take about twenty more questions if you want to ask any more." Father said from beside me as I leaned back a bit in my chair before listening up for the next question.

"What will be the first Law you change when becoming Queen?" Another reporter asks as she gets up from her seat.

I smile at her before replying.

"That, even if they are not a boy, the eldest child of the monarch at the time will become King or Queen. I'm lucky enough to be heir to the throne as my parents have no Aunts, Uncles, Cousins or any distant cousins that are male, but if they had, I would be next in line to the throne, if this man didn't have kids. Same if I had a brother." I say as the next question comes from another reporter.

"What will you do about bringing us into the twenty-first century when your turn on the throne comes around." The reporter questioned as I smiled at my answer.

"First of all, I like how you phrased your question, very interesting way to say when I take the throne. I'll use that phrasing more often. Anyway, I will start to bring us into the twenty-first century by bringing in more up-to-date technology as well as many other things when the throne does come around." I say as the reporter smiles at my statement as he writes it down.

And so the cycle continued.


About half an hour later after the question limit had been reached, I walked back outside and was given a hug by Xander, to which I just broke in. The walls crumbled, and my serene demeanour broke as the contact was made.

"Hey, you're going to be okay. Some of those questions were tough and you were incredibly brave for telling a shorter version of the story of what happened that day, and I'll always be here if you need a hug." Xander said and stroked the back of my head and kissed my head through my hair and just hugged me for a bit before my parents and Dr Matthew came through the doors, proud looks on their faces as I quickly wiped away the tears.

"You did well out there today, Kaitlyn." Dr Matthew said as I smiled through the screaming and crying pain inside of me.

"Yes, well done my darling," My Father said, a proud look, that looked like it had been glued to his face "Now, your mother and I need to go back through to the ballroom, but you can stay back here and prepare for your speech, and then after that, you can head right back up to your room and go to bed if you want to." Father then said, hugged me and began to walk off slowly as he knew Mother would want to say something quickly before leaving to go with him.

"Well done honey," Mother said as she wrapped me in a bone-breaking hug and then released me and kissed me on the forehead saying "Good luck if I don't see you before your speech." then took after Father and then they both left the quiet corridor as I was left there with my therapist and my best friend, slightly freaking out inside as to what was to come. 


UPDATED; 01/02/2023

WORDS; 1570

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