The Voices - II

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22nd May

The lights around me blinded me as I awoke with a start, but was softly pushed back down as my hair was

I looked around me as I slowly adjusted to the light, to see that Jameson was the one stroking my hair, Xander in the corner on the edge of his seat and I slowly sat up again.

As I did so, mother and father burst through the doors looking extremely worried. Mother rushed to my side as my father just stood there looking worried as mother just fussed over me.

"Oh my baby, what happened?" Mother asked me as I batted her hands away.

I heard Jameson mumble something from beside me as I watched father contemplate something.

"What did the Blacksmith's boy say?"Mother asked.

"Mother, his name is Jameson. You could at least respect that." I said back to her sharply. Mother had always been one to be all round lovely, but completely disrespect someone on how she didn't even care to remember a person's name.

Mother gave me a hard stare as Jameson started braiding my hair telling Mother and Father what happened.

"She had left a letter at my father's workshop today when she went to the village, saying she would like to meet me at exactly five o'clock at the lake in-between here and the village. When I got there, I saw Kaitlyn get up from Reading, but holding her head as she did so, when I got to her, she collapsed in my arms, so I carried her all the way back here." Jameson said as I watched my father intently, waiting for him to say something.

He did as Jameson finished talking and stopped pacing to face me.

"The voi- what were they saying?" He asked as I hung my head.

"It was just something stupid." I mumble out.

"Nothing those voices say are stupid Kaitlyn. You know as well as I do that some of them can be a matter of life or death." Xander said from his corner.

I turned to him and he gave me a tight lipped smile. Clearly he was worried. I looked back at Father and sighed.

"Mother, and Jameson can you please leave the room." I said.

"What no! I thought you died, I'm not leaving you with this going on." Jameson protested, but Mother dragged him out the room as he cried out to stay in the room.

I waited a minute before talking to make sure the Mother and Jameson were away from the door.

"They said about when you died. They said that when you died. . . I would conceive your grandchild." I said, playing with my hands as I did so.

"WHAT!" Xander said, erupting with sound as he took the information in.

Father stayed quiet. Too quiet and I quickly started to worry with the silence that the room was left in after Xander's outburst.

"So, what do you think will happen?" Father asks me.

"Well it's obvious, isn't it? I hear about your death and grief overwhelms me, so much that I end up having intercourse with the man that I may or may not be married to." I say, showing the Elephant in the room to the door.

"Yeah, but, did they say who you were going to have intercourse with?" Xander said, a concerned look on his face.

"No. That's one of the reasons I wanted you to be here. I'm not sure when it will happen, so I want you or someone else I would trust with my life, to protect my father," I say, deadly serious as I looked Father in the eyes "So I need you to promise me this, because I'm not ready to be queen yet, let alone be a mother."

"Then your mother can help you!" Father said.

"No, she can't! Yes, she was a new mother once, but not one that had recently been told that her father had died so she was now Queen! No, she inherited the throne along with you, after I was born and just before Alice was born! I need you to guide me before you die because I won't be able to cope with all that will be going on in my life!" I yell at him and Jameson bursts back through the door, red in the face, clearly having just escaped mother.

He rushes to my side as I look at him in shock as Father glares at him from the side and Xander tries to get Father out of the room.

"Please tell me what's wrong. You can't just collapse and say it was voices in your head and not tell me." Jameson said, fussing over me.

I heard the door slam and lock and someone pound on the door as I looked around and Xander sighed.

"Your father is out there. Thought you two would at least want to kiss and talk this out before I let him back in." Xander says and I smile into my lap and move over so Jameson could get on the bed and I just held him.

For a few minutes, it was just silent, with the ever-present clink of Xander's sword against the chair he was sitting in. After a while, I couldn't help it anymore and I felt myself release a breath and then the walls broke.

I cried for what felt like the first time in months. It felt like a breath of fresh air.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?" Jameson asked, kissing my forehead.

I sniffled, trying to stop the flow of tears by wiping my eyes, "I'm just scared. I-I'm really, really scared."

"Okay, then we'll get through that. My first and main question is what on earth are the voices?" He asked, and I just buried my face further into his chest as Xander replied quietly, as to not make me uncomfortable.

"When her Majesty was in labour with Katie, she and Katie would've died if His Majesty hadn't made a deal with a sorceress. So yeah, side effect, voices that can make you faint, scream in your sleep along with many other things." Xander summarised.

I felt Jameson move slightly and then grab my face with both hands to make me look at him.

"Darling, why did you not tell me before I care about you and want the best for your wellbeing. Please tell me about these things." Jameson said and then kissed me.

I smiled slightly and he smiled back as we lay there, not caring.

"I love you to the moon and back." I said.

"Well, I love you to the moon and far beyond." Jameson replied. Without even looking I could see the slightly smug face he makes after saying something like that.

"The voices said that when my father dies, I'll conceive my spouse's baby." I mutter.

"Okay then. So, if I am still dating you at the time, you'll become pregnant with my child." He says calmly.

"But what do we do about this, if and when this happens?" I ask, close to balling again on the crying front.

"Then we deal with it one day at a time." Jameson whispers and runs his fingers through my hair.

"You two are too cheesy, so can you please shut up and kiss already? I cannot stand the amount of cheese in this room."I turn and give Xander a look as he clutches his things and slumps lower into his chair.

UPDATED: 22/11/2022

WORDS: 1208

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