A Normal Day - I

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22nd May

It was supposed to be a pretty typical day. Pretty normal at least for me.

Wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush teeth, and go do something productive.

Except for the one difference today, is that I went down to the village.

When I went down, Father forced me to have a chaperone. I, of course, argued back saying that I don't need a chaperone.

We ended up making a compromise.

Father made me have a chaperone, but I got a choice of who chaperoned me.

He sighed learning the chaperone I had chosen was Xander.

Xander and I had been friends since we were kids. At the time of his birth, his father was my fathers right hand man. His Gaurd of Honor. His lead Knight.

I groan every time Xander mentions this story as he adds a ridiculous list of names after it.

So, as we approached the village, I was surprised to find Jameson, the Blacksmiths' son, sitting hunched over on a rock, watching the sight before him intently.

"What are you doing?" I ask, walking forward and tapping him on the shoulder.

He drops his stuff and picks it up as I mutter a very bashful 'sorry'.

"Drawing." He blurts out as I smile.

I've always thought Jameson was a great artist. A few years ago, he even painted me and it's now one of the only few paintings of me looking formal.

Xander jogs up to us and gives a small, acknowledging nod to Jameson and he replies with a small 'hello'.

We stand there in awkward silence for a few, very uncomfortable, minutes, just waiting for someone to break the silence.

Before, all three of us had been such good friends. Sadly though, as we got older, we drifted apart as we grew and had more responsibilities to our roles in the kingdom, mine ultimately being the next ruler of the kingdom.

Eventually, Jameson was the one to break the silence.

"So. . . Kaitlyn, what are you and Xander doing down here?" He said.

I looked down at my shoes and cleared my throat before replying.

"I wanted to visit the village, and my father forced me to take a chaperone, so I chose Xander." I said, even though it wasn't the truth.

"Hey! You said you just wanted my delightful company to join you." Xander retorted.

"You know I only say that to get you to come with me." Jameson and I laugh after I say it as Xander stands there and pouts.

"Fine then," Xander says "I guess I won't teach you how to sword fight anymore." I look around, the smile dropping from my face as the puppy dog eyes come out.

Jameson just laughs more as Xander has to try and deal with resisting the eyes and when he finally says yes, I pick up my skirts and start to skip down the path to the centre of the village.

When I heard the boys start to run to catch up behind me yelling 'Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn wait up!' I got butterflies. Especially hearing it from Jameson.

I eventually slowed down as I approached the main stream of people and the boys caught up.

I laughed a lot for what had felt like a long time.


After a while of running around the village and just relaxing, I felt as if I were floating. I knew I would eventually have to go back to the castle, but I was having so much fun.

At one point we stopped by Jameson's so then he could go put his stuff in his room, while I gave a letter to his dad to give to Jameson when we got home.

So, when I finally got home, I waited until the time was right to sneak out and run down to the lake.

My favourite place to read.

I sat there for a while. Reading and I felt the voices in my head grow stronger.

'The day your father dies will be the day you become pregnant with your spouse's baby.'

The chant had been going on through my head all day long, growing stronger with every thought.

I've had the voices since I was born, as when my mother was in labour, she almost died. My parents ended up making a deal with a sorceress to save me and my mother, but from what happened, voices now cloud my thoughts. Sometimes they get so extreme, I do things like scream in my sleep.

As I read the voices get louder, and as it does, it gets harder to concentrate, so I try to get up, but as I get a few meters away, I bump into what feels like a wall, but the voices are too loud at that point so I collapse into the person's arms.

The last thing I hear is the words 'Kaitlyn, come on wake up! I don't know what's strong but I really care about you. . . and you just can't die on me Kaitlyn!' as the darkness consumes me, the chant still going through my head.

'The day your father dies will be the day you become pregnant with your spouse's baby.'

UPDATED: 22/11/2022

WORDS: 833

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