Look What You Made Me Do - XIII

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2nd September

On the most part, the last few days have been normal. Of course, I had a horrible hangover, the day after the ball and I had a couple of other things to do, but it really wasn't that bad.

Maybe therapy does help.

I'll never admit that though.

All I had to do today was to go and sit in Father's study and help him work through the budgets. Oh, do I hate budgets! But, it's just something that I would rather do sooner rather than later to get it done with.

As I walked up to Father's study door, I heard a thump and knocked, wondering what was going on. Maybe it was a book or something else? I was unsure, so I knocked on the closed door.

Surprisingly, Sybil opened it, a few splashes of red on her face, of which I hoped were red paint.

"Sybil what's going on in there?" I asked as Sybil tried to close the door, but I stuck my foot in it, and barged in, seeing Father's dead body on the ground.

I collapsed in a heap, trying to resuscitate him as a stab wound in his abdomen kept pouring blood when I checked his pulse. I started CPR when I felt no pulse, trying, hoping, wishing Father would be alright, but I was soon grabbed and slammed against a wall.

"Don't you DARE try to keep him alive. He is long gone, and by the time I'm done with you, you will be too," Sybil said through gritted teeth as she held me against the wall before I replied.

"You are a complete and utter Psychopath, you know that right?" I sad as Sybil pressed the dagger she had, threateninly against my chest as we both heard another knock on the door.

Sybil stormed over and soon saw Alice there, but she quickly turned and saw me, but Sybil didn't notice the glance. I mouthed to Alice 'Stall! I have a plan!' and Alice just kept Sybil talking as quickly and quietly, I went over and grabbed the sword from one of my Father's study walls and walked over to Sybil, rage boiling up inside of me as I approached, Father's words of attack running through my head.

'Stab twice in the back and all will be nice, whack in the head, and you may end up dead. . .'

The rhyme ran through my head as I prepared to stab Sybil in two separate places, once hoping to damage the heart of puncture a lung, the second hoping to at least paralyse her and hopefully damaging some of her organs.

I took a breath before lining up the sword and taking the first stab.

It went straight through.

Sybil stopped talking and her body kind of shrivelled up around the sword as I removed the sword and lined up for the next one, and it didn't go all the way through, but still did some clear damage.

I removed the sword again and chucked it to the side as I ran back over to Father as I heard Alice scream.

"STOP SCREAMING!" I yell out as I start compressions again as I heard Alice stop and then run away, leaving me with my own dreadful thoughts and voices.

Soon enough though, I heard footsteps running as I continued the chest compressions.

I was dragged away from my Fathers still unconscious body as someone called time of death.

Tears escaped as people started to examine Sybil, quickly though, calling time of death as no one could save her.

I heard Alice talking to someone in the background as someone hugged my crying form. I didn't know who, but then Alice walked up to me and said "You're not going to be charged with either the manslaughter or murder of Sybil as she had committed a high level of treason by killing Father."

All I did was cry more though.

I don't know how long it was until I was brought into a different room with my Mother in it as what I could hear was Xander, saying that both Father and Sybil had died, but Father had been murdered by Sybil.

The wailing that I heard, I never want to hear again as Mother was told more about what happened by Alice as I left the room, only to walk up to mine and sink to the floor, crying as I had no idea what to do now that Father was gone.


I wasn't sure how long it was until I was shoved slightly from the back before a small knock.

I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up as I said a small "Come in," before walking over to my seemingly cold bed.

Someone stepped in, but I didn't look up, not wanting the person to see the tear marks on my face, or my scratchy eyes.

"Hey," The person said as they started to walk forward as I kept my head down "Katie, come on, please look at me."

I looked up to see Jameson standing in front of me, a concerned look on his face as he knelt down.

"Hey. . ." I say as I look away, trailing off as I begin to ramble in my head.

"Xander called me," Jameson said as I continued to look away "I heard what happened. Please let me help you get through this."

I slowly looked over at Jameson, tears slowly making their way down my face as I leaned forward and kissed him. Jameson pulled away, wiped my eyes and asked; "Are you sure you want to do this?" As I nodded before kissing him again.

Slowly and gently I started to unbutton my shirt as he took off his jacket and top as we both got onto my bed, passion soaring through my veins overtaking the grief as I was glad I had the person I trusted back in my life.

We continued to kiss passionately as we removed our clothing as we got under the sheets. . .


Hours later, I was woken by a kiss to my head. I turned over as my eyes slowly opened to see Jameson's brown ones stare right back at me.

"How are you feeling?" Jameson asked, wrapping an arm around me.

"I'm okay, I'm just. . ." I say as I began to cry again as Jameson brought me close to him.

"Hey, hey, hey," Jameson said as he kissed my forehead again "You're going to be okay, okay? I'm going to help you get through this, and we're going to do this and be okay. And, I know I'm slightly freaking out, and I know you are freaking out on a whole nother level, so yeah, I'm going to help you," Jameson blurted out as I laughed at the end.

So, we lay there in the quiet, enjoying each other's company while making polite conversation here and there, and what happened a couple of hours ago, forgotten.


UPDATED; 13/03/2023

WORDS; 1133

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