The Crystal Labyrinth

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Ivy pov:

I groan as i open my eyes

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I groan as i open my eyes.

"What the fuck."i groan as i get up.

Then it all came back to me,we were attacked.


I look around and saw the winx getting up.

When we were up,we all to the boys who was restraining Ophir and JASON!!

When did he get here??

And why the hell are they fighting.

So they were fighting because Jason thought Ophir attacked us and try to hit on Musa.

Jealous boy...

Ophir has eyes only on Layla which Layla is warming up to him.

And Musa look inlove right now.

Ahh young love.

After catching up,we walk back to the Red Tower.

Timmy analysis the tiny door with the encryption on it.

"I wonder what it says.It look like some amcient language."said Timmy.

"It says only creatures of noble and pure soul may enter."said Bloom.

You can read that.

"I guess it doesn't find us noble and pure enough."said Stella.

"Obviously we have to become miniature to get in.I wonder when that's supposed to happen."i said.

"Faragonda said when the time is right."said Tecna.

"When the time is right.What does that mean anyway?When you're old enough to handle it?When you're big enough to be small?I don't know,i think they should just give us some sort of timetable."rant Stella.

Make her stop talking...

"We could use some fairy dust.Maybe that will get us in."said Layla.

"I have an idea,our fairy dust has anti-darkness properties so if we sprinkle it on ourselves we should remove all traces of darkness from our souls."said Bloom.

Do want me do disappear woman???

"What darkness."said Stella.

"Everyone has a dark side to their character.Vanity.Pride."said Timmy.

"Oh yeah."said Stella.

Pride much...

"Well i say it's worth a try."said Flora.

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