Welcome to Alfea

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Ivy's pov:
I was reading a book in the garden when I felt a strong feeling in my chest.My book fell and I clenched my chest.It felt hot and firery.It finally happen the dragon flame is finally awake.I get up and grab my book from the ground and run to the throne room to see my parents,King Elrond and Queen Glariel.I push the big doors and run towards them."What happened?"ask my father."Breath Ivy Breath"said my mother."It's finally happened.I sensed it.The dragon flame,I sensed it"i exclaimed between my breaths."What!?!"said my parents in shocked.i nodded."Are you sure?"asked mother."Yes,but it was just for a minute"i said."Good,really good."said Father."This stays between us three.We can never be sure.Never mention this to any one"said Father.Mother and I nodded."Anyways....your letter to Alfea has arrived.You will leave tomorrow."said Mother."Do I have to go.Everyone is gonna be happy and will be showing way to much emotions around me."I said emotionlessly."Yes,if you felt the dragon flame.Chances are high that she will go to Alfea.Plus she will be the same age as you."said Father.i sighed."Go pack up"said mother.I nodded and walk to my room.

I nodded and walk to my room

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(This is ivy)

The next day.....
I had my suitcase and my bag next to me.I was in the throne room saying one last goodbye to my parents."Travel safe,dear"said Mother hugging me."I will"i said uninterested.Father and I just nodded to each other.We don't show much emotion like mother.Mother used her magic and transport me infront of Alfea.I look at the building infront of me and almost gag.Too much pink.I saw student walking towards the gate and there was a lady taking names.I walk towards the line and waited for my turn.Finally it was mine."What is your name young lady?"she ask."Ivy from Skyler"i said.She look through her list of names,"Hmmm,Ivy...Ivy..Ah!Ivy from Skyler.You may enter."she said.I walk past her and enter the campus.Since all the girls were waiting outside i just sat on a bench till the lady called us over.She made us into a line.I finally learnt her name.Miss Griselda."This school will be your home for the next five years but this home can cease to be yours at any moment.The rules of this institution are based on discipline.Disregard these rules and I will personally escort you to the front gate.This is not a magician's school.Ypu're not here to learn hocus pocus.Consequently you may not use your powers in the hallways or other common areas.In fact the only place you can display is in the classroom under your teacher's supervision."she explained."Is that clear Princess Stella"she said pointing at a blonde girl.Oh yes I saw her on magazines and on the news.Princess Stella of Solaria."Thanks to you and your antics,the potions laboratory will not be accessible until next month of the earliest.Now I think you know what not to do if you wish to stay."said Grizelda.Damn she did that.Nice."You did that?"whispered a redhead girl."So father paid for all the damages"whispered Stella.Then the teachers came."Sorry I'm late.I hope you'll excuse me."said a lady which I assumed is Principle Faragonda."Ladies here is your head mistress,Attention"said Griselda."Oh really,there is no need to be so stodgy.I hope miss Griselda hasn't frighten you too much."said Miss Faragonda."Welcome to Alfea,the best fairy school in the whole magics.Mind you it's also the only one.Come in ladies."she said as she walk towards the inside.All the students followed her.We got inside and she continued, "Here we are and so we begin our orientation session by the end of which we should all know each other better.Becoming a fairy is hard work but I know everyone here can do it.Keep in mind that the teachers and I are always here to help you.Okay enough with the boring stuff,feel free to explore your surroundings but be very careful,there are dangers lurking about""Stay away form witches of cloud tower.Listen that's what is coming up."mimick Stella."Stay away from witches of cloud tower"said Miss Faragonda."Alright everyone,speeches are over.Everyone's dismissed.You're free till dinner time."said Miss Griselda."Good luck everybody,I'll see you tomorrow.Oh classes start at eight o'clock sharp,do be punctual"said Miss Faragonda.I was about to leave when Miss Faragonda call me,"Miss Ivy,can I talk to you?"I walk towards her and Miss Griselda."Yes?"I ask."I'm glad you decided to come but I assume you'll keep your emotions in check and behaved."said Miss Faragonda.Last time I had emotions I kinda destroyed a building.I lost control of my powers back then.Since then I never showed emotions."Don't worry Principle Faragonda,I don't even have emotions.Excuse me"i said walking away.I walked along the hallways searching for my dorm dragging my suitcase behind me.I finally found it.Apparently I'm sharing dorms with 5 other fairies:Flora,Musa,Techna,Stella and Varanda di Calisto.I entered and saw the Stella,a brunette girl,the redhead from earlier,a pink hair and a blue hair."Hey,I'm Stella,this is Varanda,this is Flora,this Techna and Musa."she said pointing at each one of them.That girl is not Varanda di Calisto.But I just shrugged it off."I'm Ivy from Skyler"i said."Wait as in Ivy,Princess of Skyker,Ivy?"said Musa.I nodded."Cool,I'm Princess of Solaria."said Stella."Where is my room?"i ask."Oh over there"said Techna.I walk over there and saw that I don't have a roommate."You're lucky,you don't have a roommate just like Stella."said Musa.I just sighed and nodded before going inside.I put my suitcase on the bed along with my bag."Not much of a talker huh?"ask Flora.I shook my head."Is it because of that incident 10 years ago?"ask Tecna.i nodded as I put my clothes in the wardrobe."You know it like in the past now.You can forget about it plus I know your magic is much better now."said Stella trying to cheer me up."I guess"i said."Don't worry if anything happen,we will all be here for you"said Flora.I gave them a little smile."What do you say we ate out tonight?It'll be our way of celebrating our new school year."ask Stella."Great idea.That will give us a chance to know one another."said Flora."Anyone for pizza?"ask Varanda."What's pizza?"ask Musa."Yeah what is it?"ask Flora."It's the national dish of Calisto,more or less."said Varanda.Which obviously was lie."Cool let's go"said Musa."You guys go.I'll catch up with u guys later."I said returning back to my suitcase."You sure?"ask Flora.I nodded."Alright,see you lager,Ivy"said Stella.

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