Mission at Cloud Tower

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Ivy pov:
"The sword of power,part of the lineal rite of the princess of the sun and the moon of solaris.That means it belongs to you"Bloom said.Apparently she went to do research on Stella's ring to know why the Trix want it so bad.

"Of course it does.I could have told u that myself.The sword ring has been in my family,well forever."said Stella.

"Yeah but that doesn't tell us why the witches want it"said Bloom.

"Well it is an important and valuable object."said Flora.

"The trix aren't common criminals there must something to it."said Stella.

"They want power thats what witches always want"i said.

"Uh excuse me i must have missed something,Who are the trix?"ask Bloom.I look at her deadpanned.Seriously after all this time.

"Oh that's the name of our three favorite witches."said Musa giggling.

"Anyhow,i discovered other very interesting things in the book i found in the library."said Bloom.Everyone got quiet and listen to her attentively.

"According to the legend,the sword of solaris was created  a long time ago.Nobody remembers when,it was sculpted out of a stone immersed in the spring of light which still flows today and is only one of the many gifts offered by the great sacred fire."

"Whoa and i thought the history of solaris ultra boring"said Stella making everyone laugh.I snort.

"What is the sacred fire exactly?"ask Tecna.

"Excellent question miss Tecna.Very please you should ask."Bloom mimick Griselda.Making everyone laugh again.

"The enchanted universe of the magical dimension as we know it was created eons years ago by the two mythical dragon who sparked the sacred fire"Bloom explained as we walk in the hallway.

"Hmm,did the dragon exists for real or is it simply a mythical symbol."ask Flora.

"It is real Flora."i said.

"How do you know that?"ask Musa.

"One of the dragons is my ancestor and i'm its power guardian.That's where my powers comes from."i explain.

"I'd like to know more about the dragons.I think i gonna go back to the library.There still is too many questions left unanswered."said Bloom stopping.


"I'm hungry"said Stella.

"You're always hungry Stella"joke Musa.Making everyone laugh.

"I also hungry"i said.

"Maybe there is something in the kitchen"said Flora.

We nodded and headed towards the kitchen..

We sat in bloom and flora's room,listening to the history of the dragons.I was partly listening since i already know its history.

"You know i just want to get my ring back."said Stella.

"Yeah and i think we should be the ones to attack."said Tecna.

"Tecna we're not soldiers,how can we overpower Icy,Darcy and Stormy "reasoned Flora.

"By taking them by surprised"argue Tecna.

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