Professor Avalon's Secret

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Ivy pov:

It was the morning and i was at the breakfast table with the winx,the other fairies and teachers.

Well it was raining...

"They never give us enough food around here.My breakfast is gone but i' still hungry."complain Stella.

"Hey now this is interesting.Listen to this girls,apparently the count of monster,Dame,predicted new babylons Renaissance by observing the planets."said Tecna.

"There's an easy scientific explanation for that.The rotation velocity of one planet didn't match its chromatic spectrum."said Digit.

"And what's that supposed to do with us?"i ask as Stella tried to take Tecna's food.

But Tecna took it back.

"Come on Tecna i'm starving.I can't even concentrate on what you're saying."said Stella.

"Okay,you can have it."said Tecna.

Stella tried to take a bit of the apple but something strange happened.

The apple multiplied in holograms.

"Okay if this is a joke,i'm not appreciating it."said Stella as more apples appeared.

"Look at the bright side Stella,things are stopping up in your favour."said a girl next to Stella as i chuckle.

"Very funny!Tecna are you tired."said Stella.

"Relax lassie."said a male voice.

It was Professor Wiskies with something in his hands.

"You've been the subject of an experiment.The apples fools the eyes of the fairy of light.Clearly my work is improving,however,practice makes perfect.Enjoy your breakfast molasses."said Professor Wiskies and then walked away.

There were still some food on the plate and Stella devoured it like an animal.

"Slow down Stella." I said.

"This is the worst day of my life.My hair is all frizzy,breakfast is disappeared and we've got seven hours of class ahead of us.Nothinh can cheer me up now."said Stella.

Talk to soon.

A flower appeared infront of each fairy.

I pick it up and it smelled so good.

"Good morning."said Professor Avalon as he walk in.

"Goodmorning Professor Avalon!"we all said.

"I hope the flowers got your day off to a chilly start."said Professor Avalon.

"How thoughtful.Thank you professor,purple is my favourite color."i said as i smell the flower.

"Yes,it's mine too."said Flora.

Then Professor Avalon put a hand on Bloom's shoulder.

"Bloom,last night you had a dream that touched your heart,didn't you."said Professor Avalon.


"Professor,it's about my real parents.I'd like to find out what happened them.Will you help me?"said Bloom.

"Certainly,meet me in my office after class."said Professor Avalon and then walked away.

"I think this is the best day ever."said Stella dreamily.

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