Magic Bonding

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Ivy pov:

The tunnel lead us outside and the access was no block due to the 'earthquake'.

"Now what do we do.There is no way that we can get back in there."said Stella.

"Stella can you teleport us in the caave using your septer?"ask Sky.

"No way,unless you wanna end up in the creep's bathroom."said Stella.

"In other words,Stella needs to know the
destination very well or teleporting could land us anywhere."said Bloom.

"This isn't gonna be easy.Layla you think you can guess how far underground the citadel is?"ask Sky.

"Well it's pretty deep.Let's see,i'd say it's below the bottom of this valley but I'm not sure."replied Layla as she walk to the other side,which i where the edge of the valley is.

"That's fine by me."i said.

I could use my magic to decend.

"Let's get down there.It's too risky to use the demoleculizer from up here."said Sky.

"I could transform and descend us down there."i said ready to transform.

"No,we can't afford to lose magic incase we came across the enemy."said Layla.

"Then what do we do?"i ask.

"We climb down.We better watch our steps.It's easy to slip on the sand."said Sky.

"I don't like the sound of this place but there is no where else to go."said Layla.

This whole place is evil.

"Whoa,looks pretty bright down there.Anybody got sunscreen."joke Stella as she look down.

"Watch it."i said grabbing her by the belt in case she falls over.

"Stella,it's okay if you don't wanna go back down underground."said Bloom.

"Hey,i'll go first if you want."said Stella as i let her go.

"Stella,it's probably not good for you to get out of the sunlight right now.Play safe,wait for us up here."said Sky.

"No i can do it and i'm not waiting for anyone.I won't leave Brandon in the clutches of that fish-faced trant."said Stella as she descend.

Stubborn as always...

"Hold on,i just found a faster way to get down there."said Layla,who i forgot for a moment,holding a wood plank.

"Huh?"we said.

And that's how i slide down the valley on a wood plank and not caring for my life.

But hey it was fun...

Layla was doing better than me.Like this girl was flipping.

I'm becoming a fan.

"Hey you're quite agile."said Sky.

"Sports is my passion."said Layla as we arrived at the bottom.

I stop and got off my board so that not to fall.

"You too Ivy."said Sky.

"Hey,i didn't try to compete with Riven in physical sports for nothing."i said."Also Layla,I'm a fan."i said with sparkles in my eyes.
"Thanks."she said flustered.

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