The Lilo

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Ivy pov:
We were at the lake and Professor Palladium was making us a speed test.

Ivy pov:We were at the lake and Professor Palladium was making us a speed test

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It was Flora's turn and she almost got hit by geysers around the lake.

She was distracted for sure.

"The test force is tricky,you must maintain your speed Flora."said Professor Palladium.

She almost got hit again.

"Be confident Flora and focus your powers!You can do it,focus on what you love the most!"said Professor Palladium.

She took his advice and was doing great.

She dodge all the geysers and stop infront of us but was still above the water.

She was smiling for a minute then a geyser shot up and hit Flora.

"Flora!"said Bloom as we gasp.

Flora went up and then fell into the lake.

She got out of the water and walk to Professor Palladium looking sad.

"I'm sorry Professor Palladium."said Flora.

"We'll keep working on it Flora."said Professor Palladium and walked away.

"I can't seem to focus."said Flora.

"That's not it Flora.You are brave and powerful but you have to believe in yourself."said Bloom as Griselda came.

"Winx,headmistress Faragonda wants to see you all in her office."said Grisleda as i raise an eyebrow and look at the others.

They looked as confused as me.

"Winx,we're facing a serious situation on Earth and it involves your Believix powers."said Miss Faragonda.

More problem on Earth..

I thought we were done with that chapter.

"What's going on,Miss Faragonda?"ask Bloom.

"I'm afraid it concerns the lilo."said Miss Faragonda as she used her magic to show us a picture of a flower.

A blue flower which hasn't bloom yet.

"I've heard of it.It's a magical plant,right."said Flora.

"Because you,Winx,brought magic back to Earth,the lilo will blossom there for the first time in centuries."said Miss Faragonda.

In centuries?

"Why do i get a feeling that it's not a good thing."said Stella as Miss Faragonda made the image disappeared.

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