Secrets Within Secrets

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Ivy pov:

I was minding my own business when Stella with green hair?

"What the fuck is that?"i said.

"Help rinse this conditioner off,please."said Stella.

"But i don't want to."i said.

"Pleasee."she beg.


We went to the bathroom and rinse it all off.Her hair was super silky and shiny now.

We went back to her room and saw Bloom looking out the window.

"What did you do?"i whisper to Stella.

"Sooo.....?"Stella said ignoring me.


"I don't know,he was kind of distant."said Bloom.

"That's silly,here's the deal.Let's wait till after the exhibition.I'm sure he'll call you."said Stella.

"*sigh*Let's hope he does."said Bloom.

I exit the room and went to Tecna and Musa's Room.

Tecna was doing something on her computer and Musa was playing a beautiful song on her flute.

"Yo"i said as i enter.

"Hey what's up?"said Musa.

"I need to get away from drama a little bit that's all.Don't mind me"i said sitting on a bed.

I continue to read my book as Musa resume her practice.

Moments later Stella,Bloom and Flora enter which made Musa lose concentration.

Great just my luck...

I need peace not drama today.

"Bloom's out of her mind,you talk to her."said Flora as Bloom cross her arms.

"Why?What's up?What you want to do?"ask Tecna

"She wants to go to the exhibition."said Stella as she sat next to me.

"Did she receive an invitation?"ask Musa.

"No."said Stella.

"Or it wouldn't be a problem,would it."said Flora.

"But Bloom why?"ask Musa.

"I've asked her that."said Flora.

"I've got to talk to Brandon.He's avoiding me and i wanna know why."said Bloom.

Dumb as hell...

Can you be more desperate.

"This up.You like him."said Stella.

"I'm only his friend."said Bloom.

"Well in that case i see no reason to go so far as breaking the rules to get to him."said Stella.

"Okay,maybe it's true."said Bloom.

"Bloom whether or not,you're desperate or madly in love,you can't go there.You'll be kicked out without an invitation and if Faragonda catches us there.WE ARE DEAD."I said.

"But Brandon is special to me but i'm not sure what i mean to him.That's why i need to talk to him today.Please Ivy,i have to.Please."said Bloom with puppy.

I groan.

"Fine."i said sighing.This is gonna be a disaster.

"Alright then we'll go to Red Fountain with you."said Flora.

"Thanks Winx."said Bloom smilling brightly.

What type of effect does these girls have on me.I'm becoming soft.

At Red Fountain...

"Hey you,what are you doing here?"ask a guy who was infront of the door.

Did i mention we just got here.

"Oh um,nothing just,uh,you know hanging out."said Bloom but Flora yell,"RUN!".

No need to tell me twice.

"Hey wait,where do you think you're going?STOP!"said  the guy as he chase us.

We made some distance and saw a lot of doors,so we hid into whatever room was behind that door.

We got seperated from Bloom.So we don't know where she is.

And Stella was complaining.

"I'm tired of waiting,i want to see Sky."whine Stella.

You wanna see Sky,i wanna get out of here before i see an asshole.(You know who)

"He's so handsome and strong and smart.His family is gonna be here you know.They are the richest Royals in the whole dimension."rave Stella.

"I don't know if your heart beats for your good looking prince or if its cash he's got."said Musa.

"Well beauty is wasted if it's not surrounded by beautiful things.Come on let's go."said Stella as we follow her.

We walked for a few minutes and the cheering noise became louder and louder which mean we were close by the arena.

We came by a door that lead directly to the center of the arena where the boys are doing there things.

Stella open it a little bit to peak.

One by one all of us,shove each other out of the way to peak.

I saw dragons and the boys.

Then hell broke lose.Riven and Sky are making their dragons fight.

When the dragons finally calm down the ground broke and Bloom and another fairy came out.They were fighting.

Wait...that girl is....

"PRINCESS DIASPRO!"i said with my widen.

"What are saying?"ask Stella.

"Bloom is fighting Princess Diaspro.Her family is like family to the Royal family of Eraklyon."i said.

"No way."Musa said.

"This is bad!"said Flora in panic.

Bloom strike Diaspro,who fall down and Brandon came to her side.

"What Brandon?This is Sky,Prince of Eraklyon,successor to the throne and my future husband."we heard Diaspro say.

Brandon is actually Sky,and Sky is actually Brandon.

Okay i'm officially confused.

"Squire!"called the king.

Sky who is actually Brandon,kneel infront of him and said,"My lord!"

Stella's eyes widen.


Stella is angry,very angry.

"What the fuck!"i said.It was the only words i could express from all of these things.

Later that night...

We finally returned back to Alfea and we got scolded by Faragonda.

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