Miss Magix

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Ivy pov

"Everybody,i'm glad to say that the simulator is up and running again after Ivy and Bloom's mishaps."said Professor Palladium.

"If i'm not mistaken there are still several students who must take the test:Flora,Musa,Tecna,Stella.Also Priscilla,Ortensia and Luna.I hope you're all ready."he continued.

"I see that Stella has a few failures to make up for....But she's not with us today.Could it be an evasive action?"he ask.

"She wasn't feeling well this morning,Professor."reply Bloom.

"She told me that she was going to stop by the infirmary.Maybe she'll come later."i said.

"I hope that whatever she has is nothing serious.However when you do see her,tell her i'm waiting.She's late on many assignments.Flora you're up first"said Professor Palladium.

"Goodluck"i said.

Musa,Tecna,Flora and me were in the living room while Bloom was going to the infirmary to check on Stella.

"You guys know the latest?"She said as she enter the room.

"What?"i ask.

"Stella didn't go to the infirmary today.So,it's not true that she was feeling ill.In other words,she decided to skip Professor Palladium's class."said Bloom.

"Well i'm not really shocked"i said.

"Huh,i wonder why she's acting like this!The test wasn't that difficult."said Flora.

Knowing Stella,she didn't revise.

"We all aced it!What is she afraid of anyway?"said Musa.

"Running away won't get her anyway.Sooner or later,she's gonna have to take the simulator test."said Tecna.

"What happened to her anyway?She wasn't in the garden nor she was at the library. I was hoping to find her in her here with her nose in a book!"said Bloom as she walk towards Stella's room.

Nose in a book!Stella!Please you're gonna make me laugh.The day Stella read a book by her own will i will shave my head.

We followed her a few seconds later.

"I have other important things to take care of."said Stella.

"Such as your clothes"said Flora as we enter her room.Clothes scattered everywhere.

"Indeed!You see,the right dress can make all the difference...when one wants to win the Miss Magix contest"said Stella.

I roll my eyes,of course she skip class for a contest.

"The Miss Magix contest?"ask Bloom.

"Yes!It's an anual thing to determine the most beautiful and talented girl in the Magix realm!Last year,I came really close to winning,but this year i intend to do better."said Stella.

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