Ivy's Enchantix

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Sorry for bad story in this chapter but i had no other choice.Hope you guys still enjoys the story.❤️

Ivy pov:
Simce we came back from Eraklyon,we don't know if Sky and Brandon is okay.

But thier girlfriends has been extremely worried about them and Layla's been sad about her arranged marriage.

I wish i could help them get better.

I was in my room doing some homework when my phone rang.

I pick it up and saw dad's name on the screen.

I answered,"Hey Dad!"

"Hey sweetheart,how are you?And how's school?"

"Fine and boring.How are you and mom?"

"We are fine sweetheart and that's why i've called."

"What is it?"

"Well since it's our wedding anniversary,i-"

"Wait!It's your wedding anniversary!!!!Oh shit!I totally forgot about it.I'm so sorry dad!!!"

"It's all right but as i was saying,we are organizing a royal party and want you to come."

"Of course i'm coming.I ain't missing my parents 20th wedding anniversary."

"Good to hear.I'll see you at the palace all right."

"Uh dad,can i bring my friends.Things have been tensed around here these days."

"Of course sweetheart.Bye."

"Bye,love you."

I hang up and quickly get out of my room to see the winx.

They were in the living doing whatever they were doing.

"Guy!!!"i said coming.

"What is it Ivy?"ask Tecna.

"Who wants to go to a party."i said.

"I don't think i want to."said Bloom.

"Same here.I'm too worried about Brandon right now."said Stella.

"Woow,i never thought Stella would ever refuse a party."said Musa.

"Anyways,you can't it's my parent's anniversary and i want you guys to come."i said.

After an hour of convincing them,they finally agreeed.

"Great we leave in two hours."i said.

"What!That's not enough time for me to pick an outfit."said Stella.

"Don't care."i said.

Time skip...
The girls were picked up by Timmy,Riven and Jason.

"So how many years have your parents been together?"ask Jason.

"20 years."i said.

"And you have to see my dad there."said Riven.

"Don't be a baby.I love uncle and i think i'm gonna tell my parents about us."i said as the girls squeal.

"Gee chill.And what!"said Riven.

"Oh wait i made a mistake."i said.

"Oh thank god."sigh Riven.

"Not me,you're gonna tell them."i said.

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