The Company of the Light

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Ivy pov:
So Layla got her enchantix which was a wonderful thing and she look beautiful but she was still blind.

It was a failed.

Tecna used her device to teleport us bach to Alfea

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Tecna used her device to teleport us bach to Alfea.

We appeared in the middle of campus and a lot of fairies gather around us,looking at us.

"There you are young ladies.You have some explaining to do about your unauthorized absence."said Grisleda as she approach us.

Great we are in trouble.

But the most important thing is that i hope Miss Faragonda will be able to help Layla.

"Not now Griselda please.Layla needs your help."said Bloom as we all look down.

Griselda look at Layla's eyes and look away.

We were in Faragonda's office.

We stood there as Faragonda examined Layla who was still in her enchantix form

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We stood there as Faragonda examined Layla who was still in her enchantix form.

We heard Stella arrived outside.

"Come in Stella.You're just in time to see some magic at work."said Faragonda.

Stella and the pixies entered the office and came next to us.

"But what happened to Layla?"ask Stella.

"Something really terrible and something really wonderful.Your friend was struck by a dark spell that cast out the light from her eyes but she was also able to achieve her final fairy form.She is now an Enchantix.Valtor's spell is powerful but you are now strong enough to break it Layla."explain Faragonda.

She is???

"You have the power of the fairy dust,it's a magic energy in your new wings you can feel it if you concentrate."said Faragonda.

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