Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back

Start from the beginning

Junior: L-look, I don't know h-how someone got that information but I can find out!

Red Hood: You might want to get me an answer fast. Your boys look awful jumpy right now.

Junior pulled a phone from his pocket and sent a message, presumably to his contact. I took my sword off his chest and sheathed it. I turned my attention to Torchwick and Neo. 

Red Hood: You two are going to help me find this asshole, provided Junior gets something.

Torchwick: Alright, we got it. 

Neo tried to sign something to me but Torchwick practically dragged her away from me to stop her. I couldn't blame him. Neo has never seen me work, or seen me pissed off. Someone fucked up, and if they don't make up for it, I'm going to clean house. Luckily, Junior got a location. That's a good start.

Junior: Ok, There's a woman who's been making moves in town. No one has ever seen her face but they say she dresses like a ninja or something. She typically hangs around on a island west of here. That's all I got.

The only island to the west was Patch. Not only that, seems like the League is finally doing something. Talia set me up two years ago. It's safe to assume that she either made a move to get me out of the way of something, or she was finally trying to get retribution for me fucking up Salem's plan in Atlas. Whatever the case, whoever she sent is going to be used as a message. 

Red Hood: Do you have a exact location or am I going to have to search the island top to bottom?

Junior: All I got was that she was on Patch.

Red Hood: Great.... Keep looking.  Torchwick, Neo, come on.

I strode past the group of Juniors people, who wanted no part of what I was bringing tonight. They all basically scattered and got out of the way. Neo rushed past me and signed.

Neo: 'So how did you survive that? We saw the warehouse, there was nothing left...'

Red Hood: Luck. If it wasn't for some Huntress' then I would've bled out.

Torchwick: Huntress'? You mean- 

Red Hood: They know, yeah... I had to cut a deal, lets leave it at that.

Neo: 'You must've been hurt pretty bad if you were down for three weeks. You sure your good?'

I smiled a little under my mask. Neo was a good girl that deserved a lot better than being a crook. Unfortunately, these are the hands that we were dealt. Only thing that sets Torchwick and I aside from Neo is that Neo still has a chance. She's never killed anybody, she's never been seen or otherwise caught in the act of a crime. She could walk away completely free. Problem she has is this is all she knows. 

If she could figure out a way to get away from this life and still earn a living, then she would be set. Torchwick and I had talked about it several months ago. Torchwick never had kids nor has he ever been in a position where he has to care for someone before Neo came into the picture. He was already in this life when he found her so how was he supposed to know how to properly care and teach her right and wrong when he himself is forced to do wrong to survive. It's rich coming from me, but the point still stands.

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