chapter #6A̶̡̢͔̞̭̩̐͛̇͛r̷̨̆́͊̋̀̕e̵̥̹͖̭̺͈̩̋̀̽ ̷̢̱͐̌̋̈́̈́͆̿y̶̤͇̪̣̙͗o̸̦̖̹̪̳̲̓͌̕͝͠u̷?

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No one's pov. The next day.

America wakes up and it is at 8:23.
He looks at his arm, which still has the badge wrapped around his arm. The headache is gone. He looks at the black glowing necklace, and it is still glowing, but he can tell that it is turning into a dark red. He sees the shadow standing next to the door. America goes to the bathroom because he feels different in his mouth, and the pain in his mouth is gone, and he is wondering what caused it.
He looks at the mirror in terror. He sees his teeth pointy and sharp, his teeth became sharp overnight. He walks out and then looks at the shadow. The shadow tells him to get ready because the meeting starts at 9:00 and it is at 8:39. America asks, "Why are my teeth sharp!?" Shadow responds."It is because of the necklace. The necklace will change him but not his flag or anything else :)" America stares at him with a confused face. Then he realized he had to get ready. He is in Russia, so he kinda won't be late. He changes into his NASA shirt and his dark blue pants. Shadow tells him to start the one button suprise. America agrees because he is ready to leave the hotel, but he focuses on making it, and he has nothing else to do, and he thinks how funny it would be to see the country's reactions. He looks with guilt in his eye. Shadow says, "C'mon, you can do this. I believe in you. I will always be with you and on your side, and no one else will when they need your help." America starts tearing up because in the past, no one really helped through the bad moments expected for Canada and Mexico. The shadow hugs him for comfort. which then results in America tearing up more. He remembers the tea he got from Uk. He sets that up and starts to work on the button but can't focus. His tea were ready and he drank them and it was very delicious and would want to try it again but it is 8:55. America starts to realize and put on his sunglasses, mouth mask, and white sweater.
7 min later.
When Ame arrives, he is 2 min late. NATO is disappointed, and the UN starts talking to the other countries while the EU looks at him. EU tells America why he is late. Ame responded, "My plane took a while to take off, and how do you expect to come here from my house? It's a long journey?" When he walks to his seat, he can tell that people were looking at him and talking about him, especially Canada, who is looking at him. Then, finally, find his seat and sit down. BRICS comes and says, "I am BRICS, and if you haven't heard, one of my members "Russia" has been in critical condition. I am here just to hear about the meeting and will supervise the meeting for my fellow member russia. America starts to worry.
(After the meeting, cuz why not :D)
Still no one's pov
The meeting ended
France tells the UN and EU that something crazy happened. Canada walks toward America while Ame starts to run. In America's mind, he wants to use his wing, but no one knows about his wings as he keeps it a secret just in case. When They are out of the building, Canada is trying to catch up, but America is too fast and looks at the shadow, who is telling him to run even faster. NATO uses its wing to catch up. He catches up and stops Ame from running. NATO says, "I am sorry, but I have 2 main pieces of information. 1 is that France police caught someone doing a suspicious thing that might relate to russia, and the second is why are you running." Ame looks at the floor while Canada tries to tell him something.
(After America's pov, it will be Canada)
America's pov
I look at the floor while NATO and Canada try to make me talk. I hear Shadow telling screw them. He tells me to run. I ignored him, but his voice got louder. Everything is spinning, and I didn't know what to do... Canada asked me, "Is everything okay?" I finally answered him and said yes. NATO asked me and Canada, of course, to come back to the meeting room because the meeting hasn't ended. I could hear him well cause of the shadow. He gets Louder and LOUDER. NATO then tells me, "Why are you wearing a mask?" I respond with,"I don't know, just felt like trying something new on." I lift my head and see Shadow mad. I see him, and then he tells me to run to the hotel. I look at NATO and Canada, and then what happens next is I slap Canada, and NATO looks at me with a concerned face. I then realized what I did. I tell Canada that I am truly sorry, and I don't know what happened to me. Shadow looked at me with an angry and disappointed face and told me that he was going to ignore me for 2 days. When we walk back to the building, I tell Nato that I will be back and I will be in the kitchen. He tells me fine but to hurry then. I look through the cabinets and see mint tea. I make it quick and pour it into a cup. I can tell that NATO is confused. When it is ready, I start walking to the quick meeting for only NATO members. When we arrive, I sit down, and France comes up to the front of the table and tells us, "I am sorry, but a person plants a ???? In the capital of russia and mine, people can not disable it." NATO, then explain the situation. When I had my sunglasses on, no one could see my eyes. I miss the voice of shadow. It is so lonely and quiet, and when I hear someone's voice, "AMERICA!" NATO yelled. NATO says "America you haven't been acting, yourself. Are you okay?" I respond with yes, and then I look down at my tea and finish it. The UK looks proud of me. Then when the meeting ends. Uk walks up to me before Canada does, and I go with him.
A stands for America
U stabds for Uk
U:Son, you want more tea? (Uk then Smirk)
A:Yes, please.
U:Here, take some tea bags and here mint tea. I know you will like them.
A:Thanks, I guess.
U; Do you want to try one now?
A:Gladly will do.
U:Which flavor?
A:I don't know, which one will you recommend.
U:Oh, in this case, let's try black tea.
A:Your house, sir.
Canada pov
I hear the conversation of America with the UK. I walk up to them and tell Uk if I may follow them. Uk said, "Yes, that will be wonderful for the three of us." I can tell Ame didn't want me to go. We walked to the airport and waited for the jet to the UK. I see my brother calling someone on the phone, but I don't know who it is. When the jet came, we hopped on. We wait for the jet to arrive at the Uk. I tried to talk to Ame but he won't answer me. I think he was mad at me for coming along and him slapping me. I just don't know him. The next thing I start hearing is humming from America. I spoke "Ame that's a good humming." he looks at me and smiles. When we arrived. The UK walked up to a fancy taxi, and we walked in.
21 min later [still Canada's pov]
After the looooonng trip, we arrived at his house. I see Ame, and I can see he is a little scared. When we went in, Uk immediately went to his kitchen while Ame followed behind. I wonder why he is like this. He is so strange, or he is trying to hide a treat that he did.

A/N: SORRY FOR NOT POSTING :(. I have been busy and also needed ideas.
Quick thing:Shadow is not a conference. They are different people.
Sorry for the misgammer and the spelling :(

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