Chapter #9: The Fun begins.

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America's pov
But.. they are unquie and strange bit I have to listen Shadow so I...

Nobody's pov
Canada looks disappointed that he can't make America open his eyes. Uk seems calm about it. America speaks up and says, "I will open my eyes, but this keep secret is kept between us." NATO, Canada, and Uk look at each other, and canada is proud and excited. America opened his eyes to show and the Uk in shock and canada speachless.... NATO is surprise and then says, "I'm just happy that you feel comfortable with us." America looks around and sees the necklace still on him, which he smiles, then he looks up and sees Canada happy which America doesn't like him being happy because it doesn't seem right to him. Shadow tells him, "That a good boy now today, we will be leaving to finish some projects at home.. wait... Isn't UN and NATO going to be at your house to investigate?" America just looks at him and nods. UK wonders and says, "Who are you nodding to?" America looks at him and then closes his eyes. Canada speaks up as he remembers something and says, "Ame? Wasn't the necklace you are currently wearing black and not dark red?" America open his eyes responded with,"You know what.. WHY DON'T YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND BE QUIET." NATO flinches and looks at him and says,"United States of America? You need to calm down." Uk leaves a bit shocked and goes to America house. Canada started tearing up. America gets up and looks at shadow. Shadow says "G̡̱̯̙͇̥̓̿ͤo̶̭̳̙͎͇͈̖ͧ ̨̦̬̹͕̝̇̉o̯̯͖͌ͤ͐̆͞ñ̷̻͉͇͉̐͌ ̬̫ͣ̈͢ͅd̥̭͇͙͇͉̋̀o̵̞͚ͯ̆̂ͭ ̧͍̤̱͙̥̜̖̾ͥͭͅi̛̗̗̦̬͐̿ͮ̄ͅṱ̦̬̥̗̝̳̬̌͠" America then says "Can you guys leave, I need space to clear my head." Canada then leaves the room. NATO gets closer to America and tells him, "If you ever need to tell me something, I will be here.." Ame then looks at him and says,"I will, but can you leave now?" NATO nods and leaves.
Canada's pov
I.. can't... not anymore. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HE IS HIDING. But first, the necklace... when I looked up, and I realized I was outside, I looked around, and wanted to go to the park to think and probably clear my head from this and then when I walk to get the park I get lost in thought again and realize that I'm close to the park. I see a nearby bench and sit down. I think to myself. It has to be the necklace, but can it?? No, it can't be the necklace it must be something else. But it was black and not dark red... I need to spy... I must know.. not I can't it his life but.. I feel someone poking me, and I look at them. I see a creppy old lady staring at me. I tell her, "Hey lady, what's wrong?" (I wonder who it can be? The lady from early? From the writer)
The lady responded to me "well young man.. I saw you here all lonely, so I came here." She is very kind to think of me. I respond with, "Oh, yea, I am lonely just that I have an issue with my older brother..." Then the old lady smiled and told me that she had a similar problem and that it okay, people will always be B̬̰̒̏͋͞a̖̠̥͈̫̍ͣ͞c͕̱͈̈́̽̔͐͢ͅk̢͉̭̔ͬ ͙͕̲̘ͭ̾͑̀u̸̗͚̭̳͓̱̅̓ͭͦp̛͍̜̹̥͕͐͐ͯ. I smiled back at her and told her in a cheerful voice, "Thank you." Then I left the park but wait....

America's pov
I look at shadow, and he is still thinking... I try to move, but my shoulder is very weak to move. Shadow says to me, "I know, let create an explosion far from your house, and maybe the people in your house will leave, and the F̳̣̤̠͈̜͂͠ͅŲ̰͔̽͛N̙̣̩̮̊̆̈́͢ W̥̰̯̲̝̳ͥ͑͠Į͉͕ͭ̈ͫ̊L̴̩͕̖̭͑͗͋ͅL̓̓ ̜̰̳̩̣̜͐͟B͕̱͎̙̳͔͔̱̒ͧͧ̍́Ȩ̳̦̣̺̈ͣĠ̵͉̜̘̆̓I̤̭͎͈̭̥̪͖ͥͩ̀N̠͈͓̞ͥ͡. It seems a good plan to make a distraction for the people to leave.
But what if not everyone leaves my house? Hmm, but you know, let the FUN WILL BEGIN... Right? I look down and hold the necklace.. ever since this.. It changed my life and S̷̮͈̒͛h̴̤̳̎͝ā̸̛̫̯́d̵͍̓̚ó̵͎̻̟ẃ̶̥̓ ̸̡̗̳̎͑̑w̶̘̍̈́̕i̵̯̝͛̅ļ̷̩̄̌l̷̬͌ ̷̥̕a̶̲̤̓̃͝l̶̹̤̅̽w̴̠̐ả̷͇̤ÿ̴̫̮́͜͝s̶̜͖̉ ̸̥̓̃b̶̙̆e̶̛̞̻̍͠ ̷̛̛̻̰̜͋w̵̺̿͂i̵͍̙̗̅̒̈́t̴̡͖̩̃͌h̴͙͖̾̕ ̴̨̄͒͜m̵͈̻̓ẽ̴̙̠̘̄. I'm grateful for this for this necklace, and I look around the room to see. Anyway, I need to escape from the hospital without being noticed. I can't believe I didn't look around the room when I had time... hmm, shadow tells me, "Why can't we escape from the door?" I respond with "You dumb or dumb?" Shadow just looks down and says the window? Of course, why didn't I think of that. First, I need new clothing. I look and see nothing. I tell Shadow, "Can you please get me new clothing. Pretty please." Shadow just looks annoyed and rolls his eyes. He actually agrees and leaves in thin air. Now I need to find my sunglasses... hmmm I mean, they can't be in the room? Or can they. I hear footsteps coming this way, so I quickly get in the bed and look around. The door opens, and I see a..

No one's pov (takes place in America house)
UN looks at the house of America, which looks a little messy, but it is okay. But the place looks a little suspicious even after the recent events. UN got a call from NATO, and he answered.
NATO:Hello, sorry for the call, but I need something to talk about America.
UN:Oh, go ahead, then I all ears in.
NATO:Well, the United States of America showed canada,uk, and me his eyes, and he told us not to tell anyone, but this is important and might be a clue
UN:Oh, well, if you don't mind, can you describe the eyes?
NATO:Sure, they are just pure black, and that all
UN:Oh... that it? Well them I am surprised. Okay, bye, see you soon.
(Hangs up)

No one's pov (it takes place in the hospital. Where america is)
America sees Shadow dress like a doctor.. America asks, "Where did you go, and how did you get the doctor oufit?" Shadow responds."We don't talk about that right now, but here are the clothing that you ask." America then goes to the bathroom and changes. Shadow is just looking around when he gets a great idea. Shadows think about drinking today when they are in the house or, better yet, smoke. But they are still in hospital, and it will take a long time. America comes out with a beautiful outfit. (Which is a black sweater with blue ripped jeans)
Shadow then snap and makes a mask appear, then points out at the window. Ame spread his wings, put the sweater hoddie on, and went out the window.

New Zealand's 🇳🇿 pov
I heard the news from my dad that my older brother got shot...(America) My twin Australia was not worried because he knew America would get better because he said it was a shot in the shoulder and isn't really major, he say. I started getting worried, and I didn't notice that I was fast walking until Australia told me, "Slow down a bit, and are you okay?" I didn't respond because I really don't know how to.. then I feel warm and it... Australia hugged me, which feels relief to get a hug, and it I guess it helped me calm down. All I thought was concern and problems, and these are unhealthy, so I just need to calm down and think about positively. Australia stopped hugging me and said if we want to visit him just in case, which I denied because I will worry more and instead I suggest we visit Canada. He must be very worried. So I grabbed my phone and called Canada. He answered.
(New Zealand is going to be Nz.)
Canada:yoo, hey zeal
Nz:Hey, maple leaf.
Canada:How can I help you?
Nz:Well, can I and aussie visit you. Pleaseee
Canada:Hmmm, why should I? Hmm
Nz:Well, please maple leaf
Canada:Fine, but say Canada when you talk to me because I dont like maple leaf and if you don't, then I am not telling talking to you.
Nz:noo, you know I won't.
(give the phone to Australia;) hehe)
Aussie mind:Ugh, oh well. Here goes my best impression of Zeal
Canada mund:hmm It long but who cares he did say my name, so I guess I would.
(Canada then says his location)
When we were heading towards because he wasn't far. I saw a black figure with wing in the air. Hmm, that is not every day you see that.. WAIT...

A/N:Sorry. Hope you enjoy. I have a future plan. Hope you guys like it. Until the next time :).
Also, I am doing a clue on the next chapter so you can figure it out, so beware. Hey also I just a little sad cause my favorite CH quit, so yeah.

if America turned evil?? (Countryhumans),[paused for a bit]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon