Once you both reached infront of your house, you glanced at him and smiled tenderly while removing your seat belt. "Thanks for the ride, definifely cheered me u-- What are you doing?"

You noticed YangYang started removing his seatbelt too, him keeping his eyes on you while he do so.

"Do you want to go down? But.. mom is not home yet. I'm not sure what-- Hey!" You released a squeal when YangYang suddenly pushed the passenger seat to turn it into inclined, making you end up on a lying down position. "Hey! Stop. That scared me."

Why is he not speaking?

"You always deserve the best," YangYang mumbled, caressing the top of your head which made you give him a confused glare. "Honestly wish I can take away your stress."

"What in the world are you--" Your view was blocked when he shifted in his position and before you know it, YangYang took your confused and locked state in an advantage. He pressed his lips into you, shooting thousands of emotions in your heart in an instant.

You grabbed his arm, surprised, and you swear you can feel him smile under the kiss. You kissed back though, for a short period of time, before patting his shoulder repeatedly.

YangYang hummed as a disagreement. That was then your brows met, pulling away for a few seconds to take a look at his face and as you expected, he has a cheeky smile.

"I'm sorry," He apologized because he knows you're used to the fact that he usually stops the moment you gestures him to. "Your lips are just too.. addicting."

"Yang," You patted your chest. "Your making my heart explode."

"If so, why won't you let me continue?"

"Because your car is not that tinted. My neighbors can literally see your ass sticking out on the driver's seat." You pointed out his current position.

He cracked up, getting back to his seat. You slowly pulled your seat back into its original position and patted YangYang in his shoulder. "Alright, bye, I'm going now for real. Before anything else can happen. No need to open the door for me I literally have hands."

"Did you have fun today? Even at our lunch?"

"Always, when I'm with you," You genuinely said. He was just there, listening to your rants while eating.

"What do you want us to do with your groupmates?"

"I'm not sure yet, I am too tired to handle it for now," You shrugged. "I'm leaving~"

"Sure you don't want me inside your house?" He asked one more time, the sound of engine rising up a bit from the prolonged time his car is on a hazard.

"I'm alone," You said one more time. YangYang jerked his head forwards, as if to say that's exactly the point. You rolled your eyes with a chuckle. "Nah. Next time. I stand by Kun's advice, and that is to not make ourselves alone in any circumstances."

"I love you, babe," He blurted out.

You opened the car door and tried to hide your blushing face. Once you got out, you timidly said, "Love you too."

That alone was enough to make YangYang smile all the way to his drive back home.

Arriving at the dorm, YangYang decided to get changed and wash his face in his bathroom. Someone knocked, causing the guy to suspiciously glance at the door.

"Come on in!" He yelled.

"Already in," It was Ten's voice. "I was wondering if you have flashlight? I'm looking for my earrings."

"My phone's on the bed!" He informed, his voice echoing through the thick walls of his bathroom.

Ten went straight to the assigned place, immediately spotting his little device. He grabbed it and pressed the power open, eyes widening after, and he released a short yelp.

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