Nico listened attentively, his expression softening with empathy. Recognizing the gravity of Percy's struggle, he knew that words alone might not be enough to provide solace. Instead, Nico had an idea to help ease Percy's troubled mind.

 Understanding Percy's love for the beach and its calming effect on him, Nico suggested they go there together. Without saying much, they made their way to the shoreline, the sound of crashing waves enveloping them as they walked in silence.

 As they reached a quiet spot on the beach, Nico sat down next to Percy, both of them gazing out at the vast expanse of the ocean. The rhythmic sound of the waves and the vastness of the sea seemed to momentarily quiet Percy's restless thoughts.

 In the tranquility of the moment, Percy felt a sense of comfort and connection. The silent presence of Nico beside him served as a balm to his troubled soul. They didn't need to speak; their bond and understanding transcended words.

 For hours, they remained in peaceful silence, allowing the ebb and flow of the ocean to soothe their troubled hearts. The weight of Percy's burden gradually lifted, replaced by a sense of companionship and the reminder that he wasn't alone in his struggles.

 In this moment of stillness and quiet, Percy found solace, even if temporary, from his torment. Nico's support and their shared presence on the beach served as a temporary respite from his restless thoughts. It was a small step towards healing, a reminder that there was someone who cared and was willing to be there for him.

As Percy and Nico sat on the beach, the sound of the crashing waves creating a soothing backdrop, Percy's troubled thoughts weighed heavily on his mind. He gazed out at the vast expanse of the ocean, a reflection of the turmoil within him.

"Nico," Percy finally spoke, his voice tinged with concern. "Lately, I've been feeling like a completely different person. It's like there's this darkness inside me that I can't shake off."

Nico turned to face Percy, his expression filled with compassion and understanding. He reached out, offering his hand as a gesture of support. "Tell me what's been going on, Percy. I'm here to listen."

Percy took a deep breath, the weight of his words hanging in the air. "I've been struggling with my own thoughts, my emotions running wild. I've been acting possessive, and so much more negative, and it's not who I am. It scares me, Nico."

Nico squeezed Percy's hand gently, reassuring him of his presence. "We all go through challenging times, Percy. It's part of being human. But it doesn't define who you are. You're strong, and you have the power to overcome this."

Percy nodded, his eyes searching Nico's for validation. "I don't want to lose myself, Nico. I don't want this darkness to consume me and hurt the people I care about, especially you."

Nico's voice was soft but unwavering. "You won't lose yourself, Percy. You're aware of the changes, and that's the first step toward regaining control. We'll figure this out together."

Percy's gratitude swelled within him, knowing he had someone like Nico by his side. He leaned closer, seeking solace in their shared presence. At that moment, his concerns and fears seemed a little more manageable.

"I'm grateful for you, Nico," Percy whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "Your understanding and support mean the world to me."

Nico smiled, his eyes reflecting warmth and encouragement. "And I'm grateful for you too, Percy. You're not alone in this. We'll find a way to navigate through the darkness together."

Percy's eyes met Nico's, gratitude shining through the depths of his gaze. A smile formed on his lips, a mixture of relief and appreciation for Nico's unwavering support. At that moment, he felt an overwhelming surge of affection for the boy, a love that had long been silently harbored within him.

Without thinking, guided purely by the depth of his emotions, Percy leaned in and pressed his lips against Nico's. The kiss was brief yet filled with longing and tenderness, a silent confession of the feelings that had grown in his heart. But just as quickly as it happened, Percy pulled away, his eyes widening with realization.

A wave of panic washed over him as he realized that he had never explicitly confessed his feelings to Nico. The weight of his unspoken words and the fear of potentially ruining their friendship hung heavily in the air. Percy's mind raced, unsure of how to navigate this delicate situation.


YO PERCY U GOOD? (Also sorry I published this chapter and deleted it right after but there were some things I needed to fix that I hadn't noticed before posting the chapter.)

Okay, I kinda feel this chapter has that rushed and unclear feeling but what do you guys think? Did you enjoy this chapter? 

Also two chapters in one day?? Dam

Bye! <333

A fruit of love. Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now