Caught by a Spider

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'Seriously Phinks, if you needed me to heal someone you could just have asked me,' you said grumpily, 'No need for the whole cloak and dagger thing. I'm not a monster you know.'

Half lying on the couch in front of you was a man dressed in black baggy pants and a t-shirt that might have been white once, but now was covered in dirt and blood. Feitan, Phinks had called him. He appeared to be unconscious, his left arm a black and purple swollen mess, blood and pus oozing from several wounds. You looked back at Phinks,

'We need to remove this,' you said pulling lightly at the t-shirt, 'It's better if you do it, if he wakes up he should not see some stranger ripping his clothes off. Probably easiest if you just cut it off him.'

Phinks nodded, fetched a knife, and easily cut the shirt open, revealing that most of Feitan's chest was in the same state as his arm.

'Come on Fei, fight,' you heard him mutter as he looked down on his friend. What the hell had happened to this man, you wondered, then pushed all thoughts aside. It didn't matter right now.

'X-ray,' you whispered softly as you knelt down next to him, then gasped as you looked him over. The entire left side of his body was crushed, most of his ribs were broken, some sharp pieces angled dangerously into his lungs, towards his heart. You saw at least one deep fracture in the hipbone, and three more on his thigh. Still, they were minor compared to the mess that was his left arm which was completely crushed from the elbow and up over his shoulder. A number of broken fingers seemed to be the least of his problems right now. How he was still alive was beyond you. You sat back on your heels considering where to start.

'You can save him, right?' Phinks asked, hovering above you.

'I think so,' you said, 'he must be very strong to have survived until now, so there's definitely hope. But to be honest, it's a miracle he still is breathing.'

Starting with the most life-threatening injuries, you gently placed your hand on his chest, sending a tendril of your aura inside, wrapping it around a loose piece of bone, carefully nudging it back to its original position. Another tendril wrapped around the broken edges, enhancing his body's natural healing abilities, urging it to heal the fracture in seconds instead of weeks. It was slow going, but after what felt like an eternity Feitan's ribs were whole again and you shifted the level of X-ray to deal with the soft tissue of his blood-filled lungs.

As your work progressed, he started coughing, as his now stronger lungs tried to get rid of the blood and liquids clogging them. You were so focused on your task that you didn't notice that his eyes fluttered open. Not until his right hand was clenched around your throat, and you heard him hiss, 'Die now.'

It was Phinks who saved you, quick as lightning he got you out of Feitan's deadly grip and placed himself between him and you. Rubbing at your sore neck, you switched off your aura and peeked around him.

'Come on Fei, she's trying to help you. Don't scare her like that,' he scolded him. 'Machi's far away, and you were half dead, so I fetched another healer.'

'Bag over the head, and a knife at the throat and everything,' you muttered, glaring up at him. Neither of the two men even bothered to look at you,

'Others okay?' Feitan asked Phinks, who nodded.

'Yeah, you saved everybody's asses. They continued with the...ah...' he glanced at you, '...mission, while I brought you back here.'

Feitan relaxed noticeably, and for the first time looked down on himself.

'Blast stronger than I think. It bad?'

You both gave him a long look.

'Yeah,' Phinks sighed, 'but you'll live. You're damn lucky I recognized this girl here in town a few days ago and was able to track her down. Good nen healers are hard to come by you know.'

Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersWhere stories live. Discover now