Two Spiders on a Date Part 1

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'Hey there. Welcome back. You alone?' Shalnark was heading toward you, a big smile on his face.

'Yeah. Illumi and Kallu are taking the boat out, so they'll be here in a couple of hours or so,' you smiled back at him and looked around the room, your eyes searching for Feitan. Spotting him and Phinks sitting on a huge sofa in the adjoining room you gave them a little wave.

'So, everything went according to plan?' That was Chrollo, and you turned to find him and Kortopi leaning over some papers at the desk behind you.

'Yes,' you confirmed. 'It worked perfectly, and was pretty spectacular too.'

'Good. Give your ring to Shalnark. He'll be in charge of them as well of the memory cards.'

'Right,' You took the ring off your finger and handed it to Shal, who promptly placed it in a small box next to the console.

'You good?' Fei asked as he and Phinks came up to you, and you nodded.

'Perfect. It's great to be back again.'

Fei, of course, was looking you up and down to confirm that you were in fact, still "good", but Phinks for some reason kept glancing at the clock with an impatient, almost nervous look on his face.

'You have somewhere else to be?' you asked, and for some reason, your question prompted Fei to make a snorting chuckling sound and poke Phinks hard in the ribs.

'You stop that,' Phinks said irritably before turning to you. 'Well, not really, but there's a match I want to see. It starts soon.'

'Phinks got a girlfriend, Phinks got a girlfriend,' Shalnark almost sang the words as he smoothly ducked the big fist aiming for his head.

'I don't really,' Phinks muttered. 'She's a strong fighter and I like watching her.' He glared at Shal who had doubled over with laughter, snorting something that sounded a lot like "he just likes to watch her".

'I mean, 'Phinks looked crestfallen, 'She's got interesting... techniques. But yes, she just happens to be very beautiful too.'

'That's sweet,' you said. 'I'd love to see her too. I've never seen a match here, and if she caught your eye she must be pretty special. '

'You would? That'd be great.' Phinks lit up, then sighed. 'I only have three tickets though.' He glared at the still sniggering Shal and added, 'So I guess I'll give her yours then. Serves you right.'

Shal stopped laughing and started to object but was interrupted by Kortopi who silently had come up behind you.

'I can make one more. They won't check the numbers when you go inside.'

He held out a hand toward Phinks who grinned and handed him one of the tickets. Kortopi held it palm up and activated his aura, and you blinked. While you knew better than to underestimate someone due to their small size, you were still amazed at the power radiating from him. The eye that was visible behind his long mane of messy ashen hair closed, and a moment later a copy of the ticket appeared in his other hand. Without even looking at it Phinks put it in his pocket together with the original ones. Fei had told you about their auction heist last year so there was no doubt in your mind that the conjured ticket was anything but perfect.

'Thank you. I appreciate it,' you smiled at him and he shrugged.

'No problem.' As you turned to follow the others he added, 'Have fun. It's good to have you back. Both of you.'

The actual arena turned out to be huge, a fair-sized concrete square surrounded by spectator stands reaching high on all sides, as well as giant screens to allow the audience close-ups of the contestants. Despite this being a mere mid-level floor match, the seats were almost filled and it took some time for the four of you to find yours. A good scowl from Fei emptied the seat corresponding to your fake ticket and you sat down just as the fighters were announced.

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