Through the Eyes of the 2nd Spider Part 1

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Chapter warning for implied past rape and torture. Nothing graphic. The chapter is in Feitan's pov.

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'I think I've finally got a lead on those guys you wanted to find,' Shalnark said from the sofa in the corner, the soft glow from his phone the only thing making him visible in the dark room.

Feitan stopped and turned to his fellow spider. Finally, he thought, a vicious grin spreading across his face.

'They close?'

'It's not actually one of them, but one of their friends. You should be able to...persuade him to give you information about the others.'

The grin on Fei's face grew wider,

'Good. I make talk. No problem. He talk or he die.' He thought about it for a second, 'No, he talk and he die.'

'I know you'll probably want to do this by yourself, but I'd like to join in. Probably Machi too.'

Feitan frowned at him, this was not a prey he wanted to share. Well, maybe with Phinks, they shared most things after all. Always had.

'We care about her as well, you know that.'

'I know. Will think about.'

He turned to leave, then paused, 'You show me?'

'Sure, not much to see though,' Shalnark got up from the sofa and stifled a yawn before leading the way to his room.

'That him?' Feitan glared at the portrait on the screen, memorizing the face. Brown hair, hollow cheeks, pale narrow eyes. Soon to be dead.

'Yeah,' Shalnark confirmed. 'Nasty looking fellow, right? He joined the gang about a year after they took her, and he's still connected to them. Even if he doesn't know where to find them, he probably knows who does.'

'Good. Can see others also?'

It wasn't really necessary, the faces of those three, the three that had taken you, touched you...those faces were etched into his brain since the first time Shal had shown him their pictures on the Hunter's web page. Now it only took Shalnark a few taps on the keyboard and then Feitan stared at them again, fists clenching at his sides, feeling the familiar rage building up inside, aura threatening to escape his control. Finally, he had the first piece, the first step that would let him get his hands on them. They thought they were safe. They were not.

'Thank you, Shal,' Feitan said, and he meant it. He knew that on his own he would have had small chances of locating them, let alone discovering their names.

'Happy to help. I should have an address for you tomorrow.'

~ * ~

The sound of slow, rhythmic breathing greeted him when he entered his room and he smiled, a softer smile this time, as he took off his coat and shoes. The curtains were not completely drawn, so the room was dimly lit by the light from the streetlights, and Feitan stood next to the bed for a while watching you sleep. He was tempted to immediately join you under the blanket, and he felt his desire awaken just from thinking about it. But no, there would be time for that later. Shalnark's news had exited him in another way, and he wanted to savor it, prepare for it in his mind.

Besides, Feitan could still feel the rage roaring inside, and he did not want to risk hurting you simply because he could not control himself. It was better, no, safer to calm down first.

Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersWhere stories live. Discover now