Clown vs Spider Part 1

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TW; for mention of past SA, and a slight panic attack.

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Heading toward the elevator that would take you back to Chrollo's suite you couldn't avoid noticing all the stares and whispers that followed in your wake, nor the many posters featuring the faces of Chrollo and Hisoka. Their upcoming match was one of this year's most anticipated fights, tickets were already sold out, and clips from both of their previous fights were running non-stop on several of the screens lining the walls in the hallways and lobbies in the Arena building. Your companion didn't seem to mind though, a pleasant smile glued to his face as he passed groups of staring fans.

'You're so calm about all of this. Aren't you nervous at all?' you asked, glancing up at him.

'No. I will not lose. The plan I've made is perfect, and will ensure that I win.' Chrollo's smile widened. 'In style.'

'Yes, but still...' You had no idea what his plan was, or even what abilities he was planning to use. 'At least you have Angel's Breath as plan B if something unexpected happens.' After all, Hisoka was involved, and doing the unexpected and being unpredictable was what he was all about.

'Oh, that card is actually plan C.' He chuckled softly and placed an arm around your shoulders. 'You, my dear, are plan B. You and Machi. So I doubt it will be needed.' He chuckled again, meeting your eyes. 'Then again, planning for the unthinkable is sound practice, don't you agree?'

'I suppose,' you nodded, impressed by how coldly calculating he was. So certain of the outcome, yet making plans for any eventuality. Not that it should surprise you.

'And you're officially one of us now. Fei told me he finally got around to giving you the tattoo.'

'Yes, he did.' Your hand reached up to touch the area close to your breast Fei had chosen for the rather large twelve-legged spider. You had a small suspicion that he'd chosen that spot simply because it'd given him access to play with your nipples to "break up pain with pleasure" as he had put it, and he had treated the whole procedure as foreplay. Not that you minded, the outcome had been amazing. The sex as well as the tattoo, and you smiled at the memory. As far as you could tell your spider was the same shape as the others, but he'd shaded the body so it resembled a skull, the number nine smoothly embedded in the design.

'She would have liked you,' Chrollo said, his voice even softer than usual.

'Huh? She?'

'Pakunoda. She carried that number before you,' he stared off into nothing, seemingly lost in memories. Then he laughed softly and looked you in the eyes. 'Paku had a big heart, just like you. She'd be proud and happy knowing that someone like you wears her number now.'

'Thank you,' you said simply, oddly touched by his words. 'I wish I could have met her.'

Looking away from him you let your eyes idly roam around the crowds when suddenly your chest froze and breathing became impossible, your knees lost all their strength threatening to make you crumble to the floor. What the hell?

Then your brain caught up with your body and you stared at the tall man you subconsciously had recognized. He looked just as he had before, all those years ago when he...when they... As in slow motion, you saw him throw his head back and laugh. Somehow the sound rose over the general noise, reached you, and made bile rise into your mouth. The floor was swaying under your feet and one of your hands grabbed onto Chrollo's coat for support.

Still, even if the arm he still held around your shoulders was comforting you wished it was Fei beside you now. Not Chrollo. Because despite all his strength and other qualities Chrollo simply didn't have the same magic as Fei did. The magic that made it so that his every touch, or even just his presence radiated safety. Protection.

Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersWhere stories live. Discover now