Back with the Spiders Part 1

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Altering x-ray for what felt like the hundredth time, you scanned Kalluto's body once more, desperately searching for anything that would explain why he still hadn't regained consciousness, but of course, this time was as futile as all the previous ones had been.

'I'm sorry,' you said, frustration and exhaustion clear in your voice. 'I simply can't find anything wrong, no strange substances, nothing. There's simply nothing to heal. I have no idea why he's not waking up.'

'Maybe just need time,' Fei, who had been watching with you, said. 'Body healthy. No wrong, he in perfect shape.'

Both you and Fei blinked as x-ray left your eyes, and you let your hand linger on Kalluto's arm, feeling guilty not only because you were unable to heal him, but also because you felt like it was your fault he had been caught and hurt in the first place. With a sigh, you pulled the blanket up and gently tucked it around him.

'I guess we should tell Illumi,' you said, looking around at the others, who nodded.

'Yeah, we should.'

Shal took out Kalluto's phone, searched for Illumi's number, then dialed it, and you could hear the signals going through.


'No, this is Shalnark. Or, all of us really. You're on speaker.'

'Why are you calling from this phone? Did you get my brother killed?' His voice was much too calm to be asking that question. 'Mother will be furious if you did.'

'No, no, he's alive and well as far as we can tell. But unconscious.'

There was a brief silence, then, 'What happened? You would not call just to say that he hit his head and passed out.'

Shalnark and Phinks took turns explaining what had happened, and surprisingly Illumi didn't interrupt even once.

'You do not have the resources to take care of him here. I'll take him home until he recovers.'

'So, you want to take him to Padokea? Then you don't intend to go after the last of the people who did this?' Phinks sounded surprised.

'Why should I? There's no contract on them, unless you want to hire me that is. I'm sure we can give you a discount if you do.'

'That's not what I meant. I thought you'd want revenge. They hurt both you and your brother after all.'

Illumi's voice was as devoid of emotion as ever, 'We're assassins. Professional. We do not frivolously go around killing people simply because they've offended us.'

Phinks rolled his eyes, he obviously didn't agree.

'Oh, Lumi darling ,' a lilting voice came from the phone, 'You're just too pragmatic sometimes. Not that I don't admire your professionalism...'

There was no mistaking that voice, that seductive was Hisoka. He was here. With Illumi. Just hearing his voice made your body tense and you took a step closer to Feitan who was now staring at the phone like it was prey to be killed.

'We all know what you admire, Hisoka,' Illumi snapped, clearly annoyed at the interruption, and you couldn't help but smile. If anybody could break through the emotionless facade that was Illumi, it would be Hisoka for sure.

'Oh, don't be like that darling . You know what? I'll do you a favor and hunt some of them down for you. I get terribly bored when you're working, you know that, and also, they should be really'

'I couldn't care less about whom you kill as long as you don't interfere with my assignments. Now shut up, will you.'

There was some muttering in the background, then Illumi was back.

Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersWhere stories live. Discover now