Spider vs Spider Part 3

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The sound of a branch snapping somewhere to your left made you twitch and turn that way but you could neither see nor sense anyone, or anything for that matter. For the last many days you'd spent hours and hours wandering around these woods, but this was the first time you'd actually felt uneasy. Unable to shake the feeling of hostile eyes watching you you continued, slowly making your way through the forest toward the city of Aiai. Still tense, you activated ren, preparing for a possible attack, remembering Fei's words.

'He bandit. Bounty hunter. Murderer. Pretty famous, but not as famous as we.'

'Dangerous then?'

'Humph,' Fei had given an unimpressed huff. 'He weak. He hunt women. Pathetic.'

"Pathetic?" you thought as more noises, now closer, made your instincts scream at you to get the hell out of there. If this man had successfully hunted nen users for years, he must have at least some skills. Another twig snapped but when you turned your head that way, something came from the other side, grazed your arm, and tugged at your hair. Whoever it was, their zetsu was perfect, you couldn't sense them at all.

Startled you spun around and went into a low crouch, staring at the man now standing in front of you. His spiky, reddish pink hair reminded you of Hisoka's but there ended any likeness. This man was far from handsome with his gaunt face and bulging cruel eyes. He stayed a fair distance away from you, brandishing a pair of glistening scissors, and you could see a wad of hair in his other hand. What the hell? Had that bastard actually cut some of your hair? Your hand unconsciously reached up to assess the damage. It probably wasn't that bad, you hoped self-consciously.

'So, what's a little girl like you doing out here, all alone?'

'I'm not a child,' you snorted, and his eyes trailed up and down your body, finally settling on your breasts. Something about him made you feel in need of a shower just from the way he looked at you.

'No, not a child. I can see that. Let's see what else I can see.' Still wielding his scissors in one hand, he put your hair in his mouth and chewed it slowly, a blissful smile appearing on his face. 'Oh, such fascinating experiences you have. We're going to have so much fun while I devour you.'

You stared at him, wondering what he meant by "devour". Hopefully he didn't mean it literally. Just watching him swallow the hair and lick his lips almost made you retch and you felt your stomach turn.

'You're Binolt the Bounty Hunter, aren't you?' you asked, though you were already certain of his identity.

'Oh, I'm so glad you've heard of me. That means you already have an idea of what will happen now.'

'Oh, I have a very good idea. Trust me.'

'You give cards, maybe you live.' Feitan suddenly appeared in the middle of the clearing, placing himself between you and Binolt.

'Hah, you set a trap,' Binolt didn't seem worried, but grinned, showing off a row of serrated teeth, 'I may have lost to those other brats, but I'm much stronger now.'

He too went into a crouch, holding his scissors in front of him. 'The only thing you're getting from me is death.'

Both men charged, seemingly at the same time, and fast blows and kicks were exchanged until they separated, returning to their original positions. One of Binolt's arms hung limp but his grin was creepier than ever as he gleefully spun his scissors in the air with the other.

'Hm, seem I need practice too.' Feitan looked at his hand and the blood dripping from the deep cut the scissors had made. 'Perhaps I should hunt monster more often.'

Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersWhere stories live. Discover now