Two Spiders on a Date Part 2

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'You two are starting to sound like an old married couple,' Phinks teased as you and Fei kept finishing each other's sentences when telling him the highlights from your months in Greed Island.

The three of you were having lunch at what had quickly become your favorite restaurant and were seated outdoors at a table that was pleasantly shaded by a big tree. It also had the benefit of giving the two men a good view of the square and the main street leading back to the Arena.

'Heh, you just jealous,' Fei pointed out, and you smiled thinking that he and Phinks both sounded and acted like a married couple a lot of the time. 'Cause you want fighter girl, but no know how.'

'Don't be ridiculous,' Phinks scowled at him. 'Just because you've got a girlfriend doesn't mean that I...'

'You need advice to get girl, you ask me,' Feitan said magnanimously, looking up at his friend, patting his arm.

Phinks however looked dubious at the offer and you did your best not to laugh as Fei looked pointedly at you, then back at Phinks.

'I very good at relationship. Best in Troupe,' he said proudly, and you nodded. It was true in a way. Not that there was a lot of competition for the title.

'I guess,' Phinks still didn't sound convinced, 'But you, you know, never had to actually ask her out, or court her or anything. She was already there, and she didn't have any choice but to spend time with you.' He raised a non-existent eyebrow, 'I mean you practically ordered her to.'

Feitan's frown grew deeper. 'What you mean? I court her. I very romantic.'

'Really? You ?'

'I make date. Have coffee, watch sunset. Cut my arm, show I can handle pain. Show I trust her. Trust important.' His eyes narrowed as he gave you a long look and you sighed. He couldn't resist bringing that up occasionally, but he didn't push it further and instead turned back to Phinks.

'Also bring gift. Girl always love present. You should give something.'

Phinks lit up. This advice actually made sense.

'Right,' he said, 'That's a good idea. Like flowers, and maybe some candy?'

Now Feitan looked puzzled.

'Flower? She fighter. Strong. Why she need flower?' He slowly shook his head, his face taking on a superior look as he pondered Phinks's tragic inexperience with women.

'Can kill her enemies. Show strength always good. Impress her.' He poked Phinks's large biceps. 'Bring their head in pretty box. Or maybe their heart?' He nodded, clearly impressed with himself. 'Heart good. Very romantic.'

Trying to keep your face straight you looked between them, Phinks seemed to seriously be considering this last suggestion. It was pretty adorable, Fei passing on dating advice, but...

'Flowers really aren't that bad,' you volunteered, and Phinks looked relieved. 'You don't have to complicate things. Why don't you ask her to watch a fight together, and have dinner after?'

'Or you fight together. Kill enemies. It good date.' Feitan was obviously not giving up control over the advice-giving so easily and you smiled at him, taking his hand under the table and giving it a little squeeze.

'That'd be great too, yes,' you agreed, focusing on your lunch to prevent yourself from laughing. Perhaps killing enemies together was more suited for, say, the third date. Not the first.

'Hey, that her.' Fei elbowed Phinks in the ribs and nodded toward the other end of the plaza and you turned to look. Yes, it was definitely her. She towered over the small group of fans surrounding her, seemingly asking for autographs. Her golden hair glistened in the sun, and you could hear Phinks make a strangling noise as Fei's elbow hit him again. 'You go get her.'

'Now? Just like that?' Phinks's eyes were more than a little wild as he looked around. 'But I don't have a gift or anything.'

'You don't have to start with a present,' you said, 'Just talk to her. Or wait, hang on...'

There were several bushes and trees around the plaza, and you were certain the ones close to your table were rose bushes, though the season wasn't right for them to be in bloom. You quickly left your chair and reached out to touch the closest one, letting your aura seep into it. It wasn't like healing. Not exactly. You usually thought of it as encouraging a plant to speed up its growth, or in this case, its bloom. New leaves and buds soon sprouted on the branch you were holding, and moments later a number of pale pink roses opened, spreading their soft scent. You picked one and handed it to Phinks.

'See? Now you can go get her.'

'Right,' he set his jaw and stood up, then he quickly sat back down, his shoulders slumping. 'This is a bad idea.'

Fei let out a loud huff. 'Coward. You go now. Or she leave.'

You glanced her way only to find that Fei was right. The group around her had dispersed and she had slowly started walking back toward the arena.

Putting your hand on Phinks's arm you looked him in the eyes,

'You can do this. Come on. You're a big, handsome guy. Strong. The strongest in the Troupe. She'll be happy to go out with you.'

'Right.' Determination all over his face he got up and strode across the plaza and quickly caught up with her. You leaned closer to Fei and craned your neck to see what Phinks was doing, sincerely hoping that she wouldn't turn him down. After all, she was both beautiful and famous, so she probably got more invites than she cared for. But on the other hand, Phinks was a very special guy. Hopefully, she'd see that too.

Phinks's broad back was turned your way so you couldn't see what he was doing, but when they both turned and headed toward the Arena together, the rose was now in her hand. Before they turned around the corner Phinks looked back your way with a big grin on his face, doing a thumbs-up behind his back, and you laughed. Good for him.

'We did it,' you said as Fei finished the last of his food and pulled the bandana back up to cover his face. 'Phinks has a date.'

'Good. He should listen us. Give best advice.'

As the two of you started to walk back to your rooms Fei surprised you by placing a hand on the small of your back, and you instinctively leaned toward him.

'You know,' you said, 'since we're here perhaps we should have a proper date too. Plenty of things to do around this place.'

He stopped and for a second there was such a naughty glint in his usually so cold grey eyes that you felt your cheeks grow warm.

'You want date? I have idea. Was thinking about for some time.'

'Really?' Now you were curious. 'What kind of date? I guess you don't want to just watch a fight or a movie?' Your eyes narrowed. 'And I don't think we have any enemies here that need killing.' He tensed for a second, then chuckled,

'Heh, no will tell. It surprise. Need little time to arrange, so night after tomorrow. Then we have date.'

'A surprise?' You leaned in and planted a quick kiss on his lips despite being in public. 'I love surprises. I can't wait to find out what you've got planned.'

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