Clown vs Spider Part 2

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So there's an obvious trigger warning here in the word 'deathmatch'. 

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'Hiiiiisssooookkkaaaaa Mooooorrrrooooowwww versuuus Chrrrroooollllloooo Luuuuciiiilllfffeeeeerrrrr!'

The names boomed out of the speakers next to the enormous screen in front of you as the commentator, a surprisingly young-looking girl, introduced the fighters. 'You all heard it. Chrollo has proposed a fight to the death, and our Grim Reaper has agreed.'

The camera turned to show the audience, which had gone absolutely wild as the previous rumors of this being a deathmatch were confirmed. It then zoomed in on the referee, a tall sturdy man wearing the Arena uniform, standing between Chrollo and Hisoka, his hands raised high over his head.

'This means that the only condition for victory is the opponent's death,' he said. 'All weapons are allowed.' He brought his hands down quickly and took a step back. 'Fight!'

Acting simultaneously, aura flared up around both of them and Chrollo's book appeared in his hand while Hisoka went into a crouch, a playing card tucked neatly between his fingers. For a long moment, they stood frozen, eying each other. The first one to move was Chrollo who dashed forward, a hand striking out, not at Hisoka but at the referee, leaving a strange-looking pin deeply tucked into his neck. The referee's eyes went blank, his shoulders slumped, and then without warning, he threw himself at Hisoka.

'What? The referee is joining Chrollo in attacking Hisoka.'

The commentator sounded just as confused as you were, until you spotted a familiar phone in Chrollo's other hand and heard Shalnark laugh softly next to you.

'That's my Black Voice,' he confirmed as you watched the big man try to hold Hisoka down while Chrollo closed in holding another pin in his free hand. 'If he can get it in, the match will be over. An immediate win.'

'Wait. You gave him your ability ?'

'Sure did. Or lent it to him. Not gave. Lent! And, I'm not the only one.' He smiled and reached out to ruffle your hair, grinning at the murderous glare Fei gave him. 'Just wait and see. Things are bound to get interesting.'

'Sure will,' Kortopi agreed before he turned his attention back to the screen. 'Very interesting.'

Interesting, huh? You didn't like the sound of that, and you looked around at the others who all seemed much too calm, even curious as they followed every movement their friend made on the screen.

The five of you were standing in one of the lobbies in the Arena building, not far from where the actual fight was taking place. Everybody had wanted ringside tickets for the match, but Chrollo had said not to enter the hall before it was over. Not under any circumstances. Most of the spiders had then opted to watch it from the comfort of Chrollo's suite, but since he'd asked you and Machi to stay close, just in case plan B was needed , this location had seemed like the best option. Fei, naturally, had chosen to come with you, and Shal and Kortopi had tagged along as well.

You turned your eyes back to the screen just as Hisoka approached the controlled referee, card held tightly between his fingers. But before the card even touched him, the referee's chest exploded, showering Hisoka with blood.

'He...just blew up?' you asked incredulously, looking at Fei who nodded.

'Danchou have many explosion ability now. Remember? This,' he nodded to the screen where Chrollo was holding up both hands, showing the audience and Hisoka the symbols that had appeared on the back of them, 'is old one. Sun and Moon. Will turn people into bombs. Similar to Bomber ability.'

Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum