Let the Rumours Start - XIX

Start from the beginning

"Yes, you do. But you'll be great! You can address things like what the tabloids are saying in this interview, and you'll get out of it, pretty much, stress-free," Jameson says before hugging me as we leave the room, wanting time to just slow down for a moment before the questioning begins.


When I walked into my study, all I could see were people running around, setting up lights, getting sound sorted and everything else, before I was soon approached by a woman who said they were interviewing me, but I never caught her name.

Soon enough though, I was dragged out and into the chair that would usually sit behind my desk to opposite the person interviewing me, who I never caught the name of, before eventually starting the interview.


I hear someone behind me speak before the interviewer starts talking.

"And Action!" The person says and then I hear some sort of weird jingle music and then the interviewer starts talking.

"Good evening everyone! Tonight, I will be interviewing Miss Kaitlyn Lysandral," The interviewer says, looking straight down a camera lens, "We will be talking about life, love and loss, as well as talking about the rumours going about our lovely lady, but for now, let's get on with the interview!"

The weird jingle music played again as the interviewer turned to me, a wide smile on her face, as she start the questions.

"Now, Kaitlyn, how have you been lately?" The interviewer asks with a look on her face that looked like she thought I was fully prepared for this or that everything was all sunshine and rainbows all the time.

"I've been okay, yeah," I say as I push up my glasses, while the interviewer continues her questions.

"So, I think what I'll start with for this," She says, with a slight sly grin, and I can see Jameson behind the camera facing me visibly sighing at what he could see from a monitor in front of him, "Is the love life you have been keeping a secret!" The interviewer says as I give a soft smile, thinking about the wonderful man behind the monitor I was in love with, "Ooh, I can see that smile on your face. Who's the lucky man?" The interviewer insists as I sit back slightly, and give a content sigh.

"I can't say his name, just for his own privacy reasons. He can come forward when he feels ready to, but what I want everyone to know, is that I love him. He is one of the best things in my life, and I can also officially confirm that we would like the tabloids especially, to stop making up rumours, I'm getting tired of them, and they fill up half my desk. I don't care what rumours you start, just as long as they're not bad enough that they end up on my desk," I say before taking a breath and continuing, "I can also now officially confirm that when I disappeared from the public view for a while during the summer, it was business to do with my late sister and the wonderful man I can call my boyfriend," I say, with a small smile on my face s I think about everything Jameson and I have been through.

The interviewer smiles at me. A real smile.

But, like all things in life, it didn't last long.

"What happened?" The interviewer asked and I took a deep breath. I realised that this would've had to come out at some point. I had wished it not to be this soon, but I thought that this was one of the best possible ways to do it.

"Well... during about early July time, I was with my boyfriend down at the lake where we like to go and have picnics, read, draw. Do whatever we really feel like doing. On this day though, my late sister Sybil..." I trail off as I feel tears start to cloud my eyes and I sniffle a bit before continuing, "Sorry, this is..." I trail off again as a few tears fall. The interviewer talks to me as I wipe my eyes.

"It's perfectly fine if you don't want to talk. This story could be hard to tell," The interviewer says, as I give her a small smile and grab some tissues off of my desk to dry my eyes with as I lift up my glasses before I respond to what she said.

"No, I want to," I say as I dry my eyes, "My late sister, Sybil, caught us down there. My father didn't allow either me or my sisters to date people like my boyfriend, so she ended up blackmailing me. My father ended my relationship for a couple of months, until less than a month ago, when my boyfriend and I started dating again," I say before finishing off the last details of the story, "The thing is though, is that I had so much pent up sadness and anger, I ended up fighting Sybil, and I ended up on the losing end. My injuries sustained in the fight meant I couldn't leave my room for a few days," I say as I picked the end of my sleeves while the interviewer looked at me with a sympathetic face.

"It was brave of you to open up on that," The interviewer compliments as I give her a small smile of thanks for her small bit of sympathy before she continues, "I'm guessing that's why you were seen at Doctor Matthew Grey's office once a week then?" The interviewer queries and I nod my head.

"Yeah, it is. I dealt with a bit of trauma after the fight, so I've been receiving therapy for it, and other aspects of life I've tried to delay therapy for," I say as I continue to pick at my sleeves.

We both laugh at the small joke I made before continuing the interview as I felt more chill and relaxed in the moment. I wasn't sure whether it was hormones, me being pregnant, having told that story, or even just having Jameson in the room, I didn't know what had helped me to relax in that once so jarring situation, to a now nice and calm one.


Hi, two things,

Firstly, I'm not dead yay! I've actually just had a bunch of tests and things, and since the holidays are getting closer, expect some more chapters again! Second, *Criminal Minds Spoilers!* I just watched Haley's death, and MAN do I hate Foyet, and MAN am I so happy Hotch killed, him, and MAN will I continue to cry at Jack 'Working the case' and that line!

Your local mentally unstable writer,

- Rachel

UPDATED; 18/05/2023

WORDS; 1743

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