-Secret Love-

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Okay this scenario is loosely based off one of my favourite movies, Calamity Jane, a really cool cowgirl musical, I love it (But it's an old-ish movie, made 1953 I think, but it's so good and the music is a vibe) and I named this chapter after a song from the movie.

Character A and Character B are good friends. Character A however, loves Character D. Character A is tasked with bringing a guest to their town, that guest being Character C. Now upon C's arrival both B and D seem to fall for them.

A and C become friends quickly. C attempts to let A have D even though it doesn't work as D confesses to C.

A gets jealous and threatens C, demanding they get out of town, before storming off, B following them and confronting them.

They find A in tears, heartbroken. B tries to comfort them.

After a while, B confides in A that they liked C, but knew they couldn't do anything bout it. 

However, during this little session both realise they were wrong and that they actually love each other, and finally find themselves as a couple

A goes to apologise to C but finds out they left and quickly goes after them. (Okay so the movie is set in a western town like most cowboy movies, so in the movie C is in a carriage and A hops on a horse, not needed in this but it is pretty cool).

They talk it out and the two become friends again and return to the town. C and D end up together as well, and both groups end up together as two happy couples, C even moving into the town permanently.

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