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OC and Crush attempt to get each other flustered. It soon turns into a game where they take turns using pickup lines and seeing who gets flustered first. Although eventually one basically asks the other to kiss, and ends up winning and leaving the other flustered. And bonus, they get that kiss.

Pickup line ideas:

"Your lips look lonely, maybe they should meet mine."

"They say kissing is the language of love, how about we start a conversation."

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"

"Are you wifi because we certainly have a connection?" ((My friend would say this all the time to everyone we hang around with purely to see how they react))

"Are you a parking ticket because you sure are fine."

"The only thing I want to change about you is your last name."

"Do you have a bandage? I think I got hurt falling for you."

"You're a 9/10, I'm the 1 you need."

"Besides being so cute, what else do you do for a living?"

"You must be a thief because you stole my heart."

"If I had it my way you'd be just like Saturn because I'd give you a ring." (One of my friends used to claim tis was the greatest pickup line but it really isn't)

"Guess what I'm wearing. The smile only you give me."

"Your legs must be tired, you've been running through my mind all day."

"Your hand looks heavy, let me hold it for you."

"They say lips are the only things that touch, lets prove them right." (Yes, I know 'lips are the only things that touch' is a quote from enchanted. So what? I love that movie...and the song that line's from...)

"Do you have a license because you're driving me crazy."

"Hey you already had a heart, no need to steal mine!"

"Got a map? I'm lost in your eyes."

"I seem to be lost can you tell me the way to your heart."

"You took my breath away, it's only right you fix  it by performing mouth to mouth."

((I had too much fun writing these..))

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