-"I need you"-

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OC and crush get into a pretty nasty argument, and both go off alone for a few minutes to calm down. 

Character A leaves the house to wander for a bit, hoping that a walk would calm them down.

After a few hour they don't return and Character B begins to panic. B goes to look for A, worried, only to find their lover bleeding out (attacked, an accident happened etc.)

But it's been hours, surely it's too late to save them. They attempt to comfort A, all while breaking on the inside seeing their lover in so much pain and knowing they couldn't do anything about it, and not to mention the guilt. 

And soon, they see A slowly starting to close their eyes, their breathing getting slower and that's when B finally breaks. Begging them to stay, telling them how much they need them.

A few days later, we have A in hospital, showing no signs of waking and B hasn't left their side once, but it's been days and A still hasn't woke up. Another few days pass and B is about to give up hope when they notice movement as A finally starts to wake up.

B quickly clings onto them, letting out all their emotions at once, telling A just how much they missed them, how scared they were while A was in hospital etc.


If I use the following OCs a A, this is what will have happened to them:

Sherrie - Instead of going for a walk she went for a drive, but ended up swerving around someone to avoid hitting them and ended up crashing her car into a wall, totalling the car and leaving her bleeding out at the wheel with no strength to get herself out

Filia - Probably shot or something by the people who were after her

Tempest -  Attacked by others who wanted to kill her for being half angel, she'd be bleeding from a gash in her abdomen, and one of her wings would be torn badly.

Salem -  Probably attacked by her ex or something because he's still p**sed about her dumping him.

Briar - Probably tripped down some stairs because she is clumsy af

Nyx - Was already angry from the argument and someone decided to try and wind her up even more which led to a fight because she was too angry to think, and so she didn't think twice about starting a fight with someone double her size.

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