She turned back to her car, unlocking the door and tossing her bag onto the passenger seat. As she did this, my eyes couldn't help but scan over her silhouette once again. I had been attracted to her since the first moment I laid eyes on her, and I often stole glances at her as she passed by. I wondered if she ever noticed, but even if she did, she never said anything about it. She always wore skirts, jeans, or straight-cut pants that accentuated her figure. But those leather pants that she was wearing today made me feel like a wild animal in heat.

I couldn't help but notice that she had lost a significant amount of weight recently. Each time she came to the cafe, all she ever ate was a croissant, which made me question if she was taking care of her health. Was she nourishing herself properly?

I was aware that engaging in such a conversation with a woman was like walking on thin ice, so I chose to avoid it altogether. Maybe there would be a better time to bring it up without offending her.

As she turned to me, a smile played across her lips, and I couldn't help but feel like she didn't want to leave. I placed my hand gently on the small of her back, returning her smile as I fell deeper under her enchanting spell. Every aspect of her being captivated me, from the depths of her emerald eyes that held endless secrets to the radiance of her inner beauty that shone through. Her eyes were a dance of intelligence and warmth, casting a spell over my soul. Drawing closer to her, I found myself mesmerized by the delicate features that defined her face, from the trail of freckles on her cheeks resembling constellations in the night sky to the grace in which she carried herself. Each freckle seemed to hold its own story, waiting to be discovered.

I couldn't help but be amazed by Scarlett's beauty. It was impossible not to notice the curves of her lips and the arch of her eyebrows, perfectly sculpted like delicate brushstrokes on a canvas. Her hair, long and silky, fell in waves around her face like a halo of radiance. I knew Kristopher would scoff at my thoughts, but to me, Scarlett was a masterpiece of captivating beauty, a living work of art that filled me with wonder.

Beneath her enchanting appearance, I sensed a subtle air of melancholy that permeated her very being. It was almost as if a delicate shroud of sadness had draped itself over her, tugging at my emotions like gentle strings. I couldn't help but wonder about the unspoken struggles weighing on her soul.

As I looked at her, I realized that I had pulled her closer to me without even realizing it. The thought of kissing her crossed my mind, but there were too many other thoughts racing through my head at that moment, and most of them were far from innocent.

I couldn't help but steal another glance at her lips. I found myself imagining the sensation of her mouth on my cock, a thought that had crossed my mind too many times before. With dark red lipstick smeared around her mouth, she would look even more enticing. But I quickly pushed those thoughts aside and subtly shifted my position to hide my growing erection from her.

I gently moved a strand of her hair away from her face, unable to resist the alluring scent that always surrounded her. I took in a deep breath, getting lost in the moment as my senses were overwhelmed by her perfume.

The moment of peace was fleeting, interrupted by Blaze's rough cough.

"Having fun, Cain?", Blaze's voice cut through the air like a knife.

Ignoring the intrusion, I focused on Scarlett, flashing her a reassuring smile as I opened her car door.

"You should go home. See you tomorrow", I told her, watching her slip into her VW and leave, before turning my attention back to Blaze.

"What do you want?", I asked angrily, before giving him a steely glare.

Tension permeated the air as Blaze's words hung like an ominous warning.

Hearts Divided: A Mafia Love Triangle Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now