Chapter || 1

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*phone rings*




Hey, Eunji!                          


                                                                                Oh hey Josh, what's up?


Me and the guys are gonna go eat bimbimbap and we're wondering if you wanna come along?


Ooh that sounds so good right now. Count me in! Who's gonna be there?


Me, Hoshi, Dokyeom, Minghao, Seungkwan, Jun, and........... Jeonghan




Yeah don't worry, it'll be fun! Plus, you've liked Jeonghan for so long now I think it's time you talk to him. Me and the guys talk about you to him all the time.


Josh! I already told you and the guys to stop trying to get us together! I should've known your "dinner" invite was just a set up. Plus, he's way too handsome to even think about dating me. When are you gonna give up, Joshua?


Please, Eunji! Let us try just one time. I'm tired of seeing you get your heart broken. I know Jeonghan is a good guy and he'll treat you well. If you had just tried to let him know how you felt years ago, you could've saved yourself all the pain you've experienced. Eunji, I know he's a good guy, he's my best friend! I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't know that he'd be good for you.


                                                                            Josh, we've been through this-


Please! Look, if he doesn't seem interested today I'll leave you guys alone for good. Deal?


           Fine, only because I want you to leave me alone already and stop budding into my love life.


Yes! Thank you! The guys are going to be so happy. I gotta call them to plan how we're gonna do this. We're gonna be there at 5:30. Don't be late! You don't wanna keep your date waiting!


                                                                            Hey! Wait! He is NOT my date-

                             *phone hangs up*

Frustrated, Eunji sat down to think about the conversation she just had. A date with Jeonghan? This cannot be real. He's an idol! How did she have a chance with him? Joshua can be so annoying sometimes, but Eunji knew he really cared about her. He was like the brother she never had. Still, she wished he would quit being so interested in her love live.

I might as well go get ready, Eunji thought. Reluctantly, she got up to get ready for dinner. Of course she wanted to look her best because although she was against Joshua's plans, she couldn't deny how excited she was to see Jeonghan.


Eunji checked the time. It was 5:00

"Crap! I gotta go!"

Eunji hurried into her car and started her drive to the bibimbap restaurant.

I hope I make a good impression on Jeonghan, she thought.

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