"I'm sorry, Detective. But we have ten seconds before the final answers come for all of us." The man answered with no expression, he moved his attention towards me looking at me with a smile on his face which made him 10x more creepier.

"What do you want with Rachel?" Dick asked, still keeping his anger, "I do love a good champagne." Adamson joked, ignoring the whole situation.

"We want some answers." I yelled out with anger, moving both of their attention to me. Adamson looked at me with shock and with a smile, probably seeing my eyes bright red and my hands with fire.

He started to count down, which brought my worries up a ton. I turned my body around to face the door, terrified of who could come through the door.

All of a sudden a gun was shot, luckly I dodged it and it seemed Dick did too.

We both ran up to the men fighting them. I could see what Dick was doing, I kept my attention on to the men coming after me. I started to throw fireballs at the men, hurting them enough to knock them down.

Not wanting to drain all of my power, I punched a few and knocked them down but then tons of people ran into the room. Most ran over to Dick who seemed to be doing fine but started to fall when too many men crowded him.

"Dick" I yelled in worry, but then screamed in pain when one of the guys grabbed my arm where the daughter stabbed me. The bandage must have fallen off when I was fighting. I didn't realize how bad it hurt until the man dug deeper into the wound, making it bleed a lot, making me feel a little dizzy.

I fell to the ground still in a lot of pain. This is how I die, great, I thought. But then smoke came into the room, like how it did earlier when Dick made his big entrance.

A boy around my age it seemed, fought off the men beating them and winning. He walked over to me and put his hand out to help me up. "Let me help you there babe." I questioned the word babe but let him help me up.

He walked over to Dick helping him up. Then he said, "Wow, Dick Grayson in the flesh. Nice to meet you, bro. I'm the new Robin" Which caught both me and Dick by surprise.

They both carried the unconscious Adamson outside of the room, as I walked behind them holding on to my injured arm and also keeping lookout. "Dude looks dead." The new Robin said as we walked closer to the car.

I nodded my head in agreement, looking at the man. "Trust me, there's a difference between dead and knocked out." Dick spoke as he kept dragging the man who seemed very dead to me, if I am being honest.

"This is awesome! Robin and Robin, in action." The boy said with happiness, "Who the hell are you?" Dick said with annoyance, "I would also like to know." I spoke from the back

"Jason Todd. The new Robin. Robin 2.0, right?" Jason said before we reached the car and they dropped the man onto the ground.

I stood right above Adamson in the middle of the two as Dick walked over to the car's trunk to open it up. "Hey seriously, man it's an honor to meet you." Jason said as he went to give Dick a fist pump.

We all stood there awkwardly as Dick let him hang, but then eventually fist pumped him back. I laughed on the side watching this awkward tension

Dick opened the door moving past the weird moment. I stood off to the side watching the two shove Adamson into the car, watching this awkward moment and laughing at Dick since he was so annoyed.

"I always wondered what this moment was gonna be like. Never thought that when it happened, I'd be saving your life." Jason said as they continued to shove the man into the car.

"So, there's a new Robin?" Dick asked, "Yours truly. In the flesh." Jason answered, I chuckled at his answer, he looked over to me still with his big smile.

"Does Batman know you're here?" Dick asked again, "Of course. Bruce knows how badly I've always wanted to meet you." Jason answered as Dick closed the door of the car. "Pick your brain, catch a couple of pointers. He's all, Go for it, bro." I laughed at the thought of the famous Batman say bro.

"Hey, let me go grab my clothes. I'll be right back." Jason said as he started to run away. "I'm going with him, I need to get a paper towel or something to clean up this blood." I said before I followed Jason back to the room.

"Hey" Jason said as he walked out of the bathroom with his stuff and in a new pair of clothes. "What's your name?"

"Ember, Ember Jones" I answered as I washed off some of the blood on my hand and arm. "I got to say Jason Todd, you seem pretty funny." He just laughed at my comment and I swear I saw some red on his cheeks but ignored it. "You seem hilarious yourself."

I just smiled at his comment, "I thought Dick was Robin." I questioned, "He was, he quit or something and then Batman found me and took me in as the new Robin." Jason answered

We both walked out of the building and back to the car. We all got into the car, I went to the back sitting in the middle to watch this reality show of the Robins.

We drove off and into the city with silence until Jason spoke, "Can't believe it. Here we are together, in the same car. This is so cool." I sat back and watched this drama. "Yeah. Real cool." Dick joked in a tone that totally showed he was not happy about this at all.

"So how long have you and Bruce been.." Dick started, "Together? Almost a year." Jason continued. "Bruce, Bruce Wayne is fucking Batman, never would have expected that." I said in shock of the new news.

They both looked back at me in shock at how I knew it was Bruce Wayne, "I'm not an idiot, I connected the dots a while ago and just kept thinking if my ideas were right, and they were." I cheered

Dick just rolled his eyes bringing his attention back onto the road as Jason just laughed. "So how did you and he–" Dick started ignoring what I said.

"I was out boosting cars. Guess I chose the wrong one. Or the right one. Jason chuckled. "You tried to steal the Batmobile?" I asked, "No, just the hubcaps." Jason answered.

"And just like that, he took you in?" Dick asked, "Guess he saw potential." Jason answered. Then he started to talk about new upgrades in his suit, I stared out the window ignoring the two and looking at the views of the city.

In the past week I have traveled more than I have in the last 5 years, I thought. My attention was brought back when he yelled, "There's a fucking tracker in my arm?"

"Yeah. In mine, too. Don't you remember him putting it in?" Jason said back. "No" Dick spoke with lots of anger. "Maybe you forgot." Jason said, trying to calm down the tone in the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to change the subject, "I gotta find a place to put that guy." Dick answered.

"Can I make a suggestion?" Jason asked. I didn't know exactly what he was talking about, but he mentioned something about a safe house made by Bruce.

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