It wasn't that she doubted Meredith's ability to be a mother...

It was just the suddenness of it. And these weren't newborns. They were preschoolers, well on their way to adolescence and beyond. She imagined it could be easily overwhelming.

Richard pursed his lips, thoughtful. "I imagine she might have some rough days and nights... She might not have Derek, and Lord knows she misses him already, but... but she has all of us, Carolyn. And after everything... I know she'll make this work."

Carolyn nodded, considering his words, his attitude. "Thank you."

"Of course," Richard said.

"Hear anything about Zola's case?"

"No," he shook his head. "It's only been three days since the earthquake, I imagine it might be a while before they can get their act together. But, I hope they change their minds."

"Me too."


Jo carefully stood and shuffled out of the bathroom, dragging her IV behind her. It had been a couple days, but she was slowly feeling like herself again.

"Hey," Alex stood in the doorway. "No catheter, that's great."

"Yeah... they took it out last night. You have no idea how much I missed peeing." She sat awkwardly back on the bed. They hadn't talked much, since she first woke. Well, they talked... but not about them. Not about marriage or proposals or commitment.

Alex stepped further into the room, helping her ease back against the pillows. "Anna Banana's getting discharged today," he said.


"Oh, that's great! Meredith is probably thrilled," Jo remarked.

"Yeah, she is... But she's gonna have a heart attack when she gets home. Pierce is having a surprise party."

"What? Oh, I wish I could come." Her hand fell onto his. For a few long seconds, they just stared at each other. Jo looked away first, folding the sheet over. "Alex-"

"-You're married," he said finally.

"How did you-"

He shrugged. "It came up. When the cops were investigating the shooting."


"Look... I don't know about this Paul guy, what happened that made you wanna run and change your name, but... I love you. Jo, I'm not going anywhere. So... we don't have to get married. If you don't want to, I mean, it's just a piece of paper, and we both know that doesn't have to mean anything." He lifted her hand, squeezed it.

"I love you, and you love me. That's what matters."

Jo believed that he wanted to believe that. To him, to Alex, that was the truth. But... it didn't sit right with her somehow.

Alex leaned in and kissed her cheek, she caught the spice of his cologne and lingering musk. Jo turned, trying to catch him on the lips, but he pulled away too soon. "I gotta get pizza for Mere's party," he said. "I'll see you later."

"Alex-" But he was already out the door.

Jo leaned back with a wince, rubbing her hand where the IV stuck. Dammit. She wanted to stop him, to hold him and tell him-

Tell him what?

That Paul beat her to a pulp? That she almost died? And now, she was hiding on the other side of the country, as far away as possible? What would Alex do then? Track Paul down and threaten him? Beat him up? Get in trouble...

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