Chapter 8

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A/N: Thanks so much for your support, everyone!


Meredith was in his bed. Well, not in his bed, but... She had propped herself beside him five minutes ago, but hadn't said anything. Alex waited for Meredith to speak, but she just lay there staring at the wall. This was bad. Usually she rambled. Usually, when something was on her mind, she wouldn't shut up about it. But now, all he listened to was her breathing. It worried him. It wasn't that long ago he was terrified that she would breathe her last.

Four years ago:

Alex looked up at Arizona from his position over the operating table. His pager beeped for the third time.

"Are you going to answer that?" she asked.

"No, I'm fine."

"I think you should answer that Karev."

"Why, so they can tell me she's dead?" he snapped. "No. We already lost O'Malley, and freakin' Shepherd. And Izzie left... I'm staying here. At least I'm fixing somebody." Alex turned his attention to the ten year old boy they were operating on.

"Alex, this boy is going to live thanks to you," Arizona replied. "But you can't be in here when Meredith needs you. Shepherd is gone, and George, and Izzie, which is precisely why you need to be in that room with her in case she wakes up, in case she fights."

"What if she doesn't? I know her... losing her baby? She wouldn't want to live anymore."

"Then you need to be there, and hold her hand, and tell her..." Arizona swallowed, "that it's okay to go."

Alex froze over his patient, his eyes locking with Arizona's crystal blue. He shook his head, "No... I can't, I..."

"Alex, she was there for you when everybody else wasn't. Don't be stupid. If Meredith dies, and you're not there? You will hate yourself. So you need to get out of my OR and be with her."

Angry that Arizona had to remind him how to be a friend, he barged out of the OR, snapping his gloves and yanking his surgical gown off before sprinting down the hall to the elevator.

His heart sucked up into his throat when he saw Richard and Bailey applying paddles to her chest. Meredith's pale body jerked as they shocked her heart. Fresh vivid memories of Izzie limp in his arms caused him to retch. When he finished, he looked up through the window and saw a regular rythmn on the monitors.

He heard the squeak of sneakers and Cristina was behind him, "I got here as soon as I could, what's happening? Is she-"

Alex suddenly realized that they weren't alone. All around the ICU, others had gathered. Lexie, Jackson, Callie, Hunt even. Richard and Bailey came out of Meredith's room as Lexie dashed in, full of tears.

Richard looked solemn as he saw the group. "We got her back," he said simply, but no one moved.

"What's going on?" Cristina asked Richard.

"Cristina," he said softly, "I need to talk to you."

"What? No... please, don't tell me-"

Richard lightly put a hand on the young resident's shoulder. "Come on..." He started to lead her down the hallway. Hunt followed after them.

Alex was left with Bailey, who looked sad and defeated watching Richard go down the hall with Cristina.

"Bailey, what the hell is going on?"

Her response was a shake of her head and a dismissive wave. Alex fought the rage inside of him, he grabbed her arm, "Just tell me!"

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