Chapter 15

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A/N: You guys are awesome! Little Anna is a cutie, isn't she?

There is a flashback scene... to be clear it takes place after Meredith is admitted to the psych ward.


Richard was impressed. Incredibly impressed. He'd just watched his daughter perform a rare, complicated, and extremely difficult procedure on an otherwise lost cause. Maggie Pierce was his daughter. Ellis Grey's daughter. He had to tell her, she deserved to know and life was short. He swallowed and thumped down the stairs from the gallery to the surgical floor. Donning his scrubcap and removing his labcoat he entered the area just in time to see her exit the OR.

"Dr. Pierce..." he called.

Maggie stopped and turned to him. "Dr. Webber?"

He walked closer, apprehensive. "Um, I need to talk to you-"

"Richard!" Amelia said cheerfully as she burst through the door Maggie just exited. Standing in between them, she looked at Richard, then at Maggie, then back at Richard.

Richard glared at her to go away. She gave him a knowing look, "Well- I'll just- you know, update the family..." and she walked away, a giant grin on her face. He rolled his eyes.

"In here?" he asked, pointing to the now empty scrub room.

"Um, okay?" Maggie said, suddenly looking very worried.

He followed her in and waited as she turned around to face him, arms crossed.

"I don't really know how to say this..." He started.

"You know, I don't think-" Maggie interjected.

"I think I'm your father." Richard finished.

Maggie sputtered. Confusion and shock drew itself on her features... "You- you're my father?"

"I'm fairly certain, yes." One arm propped him up as he leaned on the stainless steel sink.

Maggie blinked, turned away for a second, turned back, "You and Ellis-"

"Yes," he nodded.

"You're my dad."


"Oh my God, you're my dad!" Maggie said, covering her mouth in surprise.


Amelia had just finished giving her patient's family good news, and was now on her way through the halls to find a spot to update her charting for the day. Meredith had just got off the elevator and was walking toward her in a daze. Well not walking toward her exactly, but walking in her direction. She swallowed. She wasn't exactly sure what Meredith thought of her, although she'd been the one to reccomend her to come to Seattle. Amelia knew she may have messed things up after sleeping with Mark, so she stopped and hesitated as Meredith approached.

Meredith was barely looking at her however. Her gaze was fixed ahead, and she moved stiffly.

Amelia risked it. Deftly, she touched Meredith's forearm as she passed.

It was enough to make the woman stop and look up in confusion. "Amelia," she said softly.

"Hey," she replied. I'm here, she wanted to convey.

Meredith's gaze revealed a storm of mixed emotions, and Amelia could only guess at the wringer she'd been through this last week. Her sort of sister in law blinked and nodded slightly, I know, she seemed to be saying, and Amelia was relieved that Meredith didn't seem angry at her.

She let go of her arm and looked back at her chart, clearing her throat awkwardly.

"Um..." Meredith said, "Lexie's not on my couch anymore so... you can move in. The house is clean anyway..." she continued as she walked away.

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